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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources Learn More

Category \ Home Care

Home care organizations are made up of two teams: clinicians and operators. A successful marriage between these teams is like a pair of glasses. Each lens has a separate focus but only when connected and working together can you achieve … Keep Reading
Home care organizations are made up of two teams: clinicians and operators. A successful marriage between these teams is like a pair of glasses. Each lens has a separate focus but only when connected and working together properly can you … Keep Reading
Home care organizations are comprised of two very different, integral teams: clinicians responsible for all aspects of client care and administrators who handle activities related to business operations. Clinical quality is when the clinical team operates at a high level … Keep Reading
The medical and healthcare landscapes are vast and overwhelming, and as a consumer, it’s easy to feel like an anonymous face in the crowd. Dr. Michael Fratkin, CEO and founder of ResolutionCare, has been working to improve people’s care experience … Keep Reading
Given the complex medical needs and necessary equipment, transporting developmentally delayed or medically challenged pediatric patients to and from outpatient therapy clinics is a difficult, if not impossible, task for many families. Easy transportation, coupled with care efficiencies and associated … Keep Reading
One of the advantages of home healthcare is the ability to serve clients in their homes, and to provide care for a variety of health needs. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, professional home care services have been on the front lines … Keep Reading
The electronic data interchange (EDI) is one of the most innovative and supportive sets of procedures in our electronic and digitized era. EDI is considered the standard for exchanging documents electronically from one company to another and is used in … Keep Reading
Now, more than ever, care at home is being looked at as not only a viable solution to help an older loved one remain in a familiar setting, but also as a way to preserve the health and safety of … Keep Reading
Effective communication is the foundation of a successful home care business but it can be overlooked due to demanding schedules and hurried operations. The communication lanes in a home care organization are rapid and complex, with information often flowing in … Keep Reading
There is a big push in the healthcare industry to get off paper transaction claims and switch to electronic data interchange (EDI) for claim submissions. In order to effectively bill claims to payers requiring electronic transactions, it’s important to find … Keep Reading
As the aging population continues to grow, so does the need for caregiving services, with 90% of Americans wanting to stay in their homes as long as possible. As a society, we depend on family to provide support throughout our … Keep Reading
As we learn to navigate life during the coronavirus pandemic, you may be wondering how home health care options have been impacted. Are you a family caregiver who has utilized or is considering using in-home care? Are you considering moving … Keep Reading


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