Category \ Home Health

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has long required hospice agencies to use volunteers to provide support for patients receiving hospice care and day-to-day administrative tasks that support the operation of the hospice organization. While CMS has suspended … Keep Reading
As we continue managing the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the healthcare industry is directly impacted. Adapting to accommodate the most current needs of in-home care professionals is a core element of Axxess software solutions and delivering resources for success is … Keep Reading
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has been found to be more dangerous for people with underlying health issues and anyone with a taxed or weakened immune system, which includes the elderly. Stopping the transmission from person to person is essential. Methods of … Keep Reading
Many healthcare providers around the country are facing the grim reality that essential Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is in short supply. But several federal agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, are working to help increase supply. Many state and … Keep Reading
As the number of cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection increase in the United States, more state and local governments are calling for some form of “stay at home” orders. In order to help “flatten the curve” of coronavirus infections, staying … Keep Reading
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Securities (CARES) Act is a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus package that was signed in to law on March 27, 2020. This legislation is a mix of new laws and regulatory reliefs that home health … Keep Reading
One aspect that makes hospice so unique is the interdisciplinary (IDG) team. This team is composed of the required hospice physician, registered nurse, social worker and spiritual counselor, along with other members of the care team. The IDG team works … Keep Reading
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is causing unprecedented changes to our daily routines, both on a personal and professional level. Concerns about our well-being, as well as the health and safety of our families, staff and patients, will be at the … Keep Reading
Hospice providers are continuing to face challenges meeting the needs of their facility-based patients during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic due to visitation restrictions. During this time, when many residents are being cut off from regular visitation from friends and family … Keep Reading
During this time of rapidly changing and readily available information surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it is important to remember a basic tenet of healthcare: infection prevention is critical. Understanding risk levels for Coronavirus (COVID-19) contributes valuable information we can … Keep Reading
Although it may seem as though our society is navigating in uncharted waters during the COVID-19 crisis there is a great deal of experience on which to draw. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights other past … Keep Reading
The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential to protect healthcare providers and others from infection while caring for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infections. The huge demand created by the pandemic has left healthcare workers and facilities in dire … Keep Reading
