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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources Learn More

Category \ Hospice

Only half of home-based care organizations have an established professional development strategy, according to the 2022 Home Care Staffing and Professional Development Survey. Organizations without a formal professional development strategy often cite a lack of internal resources. However, there are … Keep Reading
When a business is agile, it can move quickly and easily and is able to understand and adapt on short notice. Agile care-at-home organizations have teams that jump on board and familiarize themselves with the latest regulatory changes. They’re researching … Keep Reading
People who have a serious illness and their loved ones can face complex emotions when the patient chooses to receive hospice care. Even before a patient dies, their family may begin to experience feelings of grief. Understanding grief and bereavement … Keep Reading
Before the pandemic, if you walked into the office of a hospice at the end of the day, you were likely to see a bereavement counselor (BC) sitting at a desk in a small room. The room was most likely … Keep Reading
Did you review your Provider Preview Report to see how your hospice quality measured up? Hospice providers were given 60 days from the release of the report to review and contest results from the two new claims-based measures in the … Keep Reading
Many stakeholders agree that the demand for palliative care will continue to rise. For care at home providers who wish to expand into palliative care, there are two important considerations that can determine future success: how to best market the … Keep Reading
The need for palliative care has always been here. However, the pandemic placed a spotlight on people with serious illnesses that benefit from care at home. When hospitals were not able to accept as many patients, palliative care enabled people … Keep Reading
When someone is facing a serious illness, overcoming the myths and misconceptions about hospice services is a big first step. When first hearing the words hospice or palliative care, most people have a visceral reaction — fear. The terms hospice … Keep Reading
Effective tools are needed to complete a task successfully. Depending on the nature of the task, the tool may take the form of a physical instrument, a guide for best practice, a data resource or a directional map. In the … Keep Reading
Hospice providers finally can gauge their quality scores against the industry average, a key component in scoring within the new Hospice Care Index (HCI). Data from the inaugural period of the HCI is now available for providers to preview before … Keep Reading
Putting an emergency preparedness plan into action became real for many organizations a few years ago when a Category 4 hurricane hit the coast of Texas. Major flooding occurred and forced many residents to flee to other parts of the … Keep Reading
Palliative care organizations continue to define their approach to care and expand their reach and impact in the post-acute care community. Some have even benefited by leaning on accrediting bodies to ensure a sound and compliant palliative care program. Community … Keep Reading


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