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Category \ Hospice

Women have assumed leadership roles across all industries and are demonstrating remarkable success. Our nation is witnessing growth and opportunity in the healthcare sector, but specifically in the business of home health and hospice services. I had the pleasure of … Keep Reading
You may be very busy working in your business, seeing patients, processing payroll and generally keeping the lights on, to worry about working on your business. However, marketing is a key component to ensure your long-term success and stability as an organization. Take these steps to … Keep Reading
All organizations want to hire the best and brightest talent. Along the same lines, job applicants expect a level of commitment when they start working for an organization. The quickest and most successful way to show your dedication to new employees is through a training program. … Keep Reading
The full approval of COVID-19 vaccines by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is quickly bringing regulatory changes to the healthcare industry. Currently 11 states have mandated a COVID-19 vaccine for their healthcare workers. President Biden recently announced plans for … Keep Reading
Increased Medicare transparency has allowed healthcare consumers to learn about home health providers before they start care. The use of the star ratings system, comprised of quality ratings and patient survey data, has been available to healthcare consumers on Home … Keep Reading
Claims-based audits are rising, causing an increase in administrative overhead that many hospices cannot afford. Experts say the key factor to curb these audits is accurate hospice eligibility. As a result, experts are warning hospices to enforce a tighter review … Keep Reading
Changes to the Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP) have been finalized to include the Hospice Care Index (HCI), an addition first introduced in the proposed rule. The HCI is a claims-based quality measure reported throughout the patient’s lifecycle and made … Keep Reading
Diversity in the care at home industry has become a priority, which was confirmed in our 2020 survey done in collaboration with Home Health Care News and a 2021 trends report. Even amidst the pandemic, around 20% of respondents believe … Keep Reading
It is our belief that the future of healthcare is in the home. While the pandemic hit hospice organizations hard, it also affirmed our view by illuminating the value of care in the home. Axxess partnered with Hospice News to … Keep Reading
During the 20 years leading care in the home in multi-site home health, home care and hospice organizations, staff retention was a constant struggle. The post-acute space has always suffered from high turnover rates, but that number has increased significantly … Keep Reading
The testing phase of the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) model took effect at the start of 2021, with a limited number of Medicare Advantage plans participating. It is anticipated that the number of Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) will increase significantly … Keep Reading
In this episode of Help Choose Home, we are joined by Dr. Timothy Ihrig, the chief medical officer of Crossroads Hospice and Palliative Care. He is also the founder and chief executive officer of Ihrig MD and Associates. He is … Keep Reading


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