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Category \ Hospice

The revised Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP) took effect in 2021, with a new claims-based quality measure replacing the previous quality-based Section O measure pair. While hospice organizations can continue to record Section O data, adapting to the new quality … Keep Reading
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, a COVID-19 relief package months in the making, has passed and contains many benefits for hospice organizations. Still, it comes with significant changes that affect current business operations. Establishing and Enforcing the HOSPICE Program … Keep Reading
Good news for home healthcare organizations – more COVID-19 relief is on the way. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 has been signed by President Trump and will offer organizations much-needed assistance by extending some elements of the CARES Act … Keep Reading
Working on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic has its risks. Healthcare professionals in high numbers are suffering from a new hardship known as “pandemic fatigue.” Pandemic fatigue occurs in workers who are taking care of patients, trying to … Keep Reading
As the spread of COVID-19 persists, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is undertaking targeted infection prevention and control surveys to verify that organizations are doing everything they can to protect vulnerable patients from the coronavirus. The use … Keep Reading
When I was diagnosed with severe coronary artery disease at the age of 50, I was shocked. I am healthy and have low blood pressure, so I never thought this disease was a possibility for me. This is something I … Keep Reading
The Medicare Hospice Benefit is an option for any Medicare beneficiary to receive hospice care, but it’s not a requirement. Revoking the benefit is the right of the patient, however, it generally does not result in improved outcomes. To prevent … Keep Reading
Hospice interdisciplinary group meetings might be shorter (and less interdisciplinary) in 2021. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is finalizing alterations to the Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP), created to analyze hospice organizations’ reporting data in an effort … Keep Reading
The recent elections were historic on many levels. While the election results were not immediately clear, the message from the American voters was. Access to healthcare, particularly during a worldwide pandemic, is paramount. Republicans and Democrats alike sent a mandate … Keep Reading
The Axxess Client Experience Team works hard to serve care-at-home organizations that trust our products to help them provide the best care. Our team noticed an interesting trend: clients using Axxess would frequently contact us for best practices and user … Keep Reading
There are nearly 20 million veterans in the United States. Thirty percent of those veterans have multiple chronic conditions that can be managed by private duty care. These veterans typically don’t receive the care they need and spend more time … Keep Reading
It’s often said that home is where the heart is. Whether enjoying a quiet evening at home or gathering with a large group of family and friends, home is where we find comfort, peace and love. In celebration of National … Keep Reading


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