Five ACHC Home Health Deficiencies that Axxess Solves

A successful, deficiency-free survey is about more than just checking off a box on an administrator’s to-do list. According to the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), surveys prove an organization’s commitment to meeting high standards of performance and focus on patient care.

Axxess Home Health supports organizations that strive to be survey-ready every day. That is how Axxess Home Health earned ACHC Product Certification. This certification demonstrates Axxess’ understanding of accreditation requirements and the commitment to help clients meet ACHC’s standards of care.

Looking at five of the top survey deficiencies cited by ACHC during home health surveys demonstrates how Axxess Home Health has built-in solutions to help organizations meet ACHC standards.

1. Home health aide only performs assigned tasks.

When created, the home health aide (HHA) care plan populates the assigned tasks in the HHA visit note. The aide visit note populates only those tasks the registered nurse (RN) selected for the patient as directed by the plan of care, ensuring that the aide provides only the services ordered by the IDG. The HHA care plan is available for the aide to view by clicking the Care Plan Review button.

2. Care follows the written plan of care.

Orders Management and Plan of Care Summary help organizations view all new orders and updates to the plan of care to verify that services are administered as ordered by the physician.

3. Patient is given written instructions regarding care provided.

Medication profiles, visit schedules and treatment instructions can be easily printed directly from the Axxess Home Health solution and provided to the patient.

4. Interdisciplinary assessment and evaluation reflect all relevant disciplines.

Axxess Home Health creates episode summaries that collate assessments, plans of care, orders and patient education that clearly demonstrate interdisciplinary participation.

5. Aide supervisory visits are completed as required.

The aide care plan can be completed and edited from any RN visit note. Aide supervisory visits can also be completed from each RN visit note. Options for annual onsite supervisory visits are built into the RN supervisory visit.

Learn more about how Axxess solves for ACHC home health deficiencies.

Axxess Home Health, a cloud-based home health software, includes built-in features that prioritize patient satisfaction and maintain compliance.
