Axxess Hospice: A State-of-the-Art Solution, Part 2

clinician comforting patient in wheelchair

In a recent blog, I shared some of the exciting features to come in our latest innovation, Axxess Hospice, a state-of-the-art solution developed by a team of hospice professionals to specifically meet the needs of hospice caregivers. I’m so excited about what we offer that I want to share a few more of the key features which differentiate Axxess Hospice from other solutions. I previously shared features in our robust IDG Center and the unique messaging ability Axxess Hospice offers. In this post, I want to share features for scheduling, billing, a one-of-a-kind Bereavement Center and our orders management capability.


The Scheduling Center enables agencies to seamlessly schedule people and address priorities without having to wade through unnecessary processes. A few of the unique features include:

  • Team Scheduling: Everyone on the team can see scheduled IDG meetings at a glance, and edits can be made by members of the team.
  • Multiple Date-Range Views: The patient’s schedule can be viewed in increments of 14 days, a month, the benefit period, or today. We also provide list views and calendar views. The multiple views make it easy for clinicians and administrative staff to work with the easiest schedule view to meet their needs.
  • Repeat Options: When scheduling a patient visit or task, the user has the flexibility to individually schedule, or have the scheduled visit or task repeat on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis. The flexible scheduling enables the scheduler to schedule the needed days for each patient without exceeding the order frequency.
  • Shift Scheduling: This feature enables continuous care visits to be scheduled and tracked, and will calculate the hours per discipline for any 24-hour period.
  • Simplified Task and Employee Selections: Users can simply begin typing the visit type, task or employee name and Axxess Hospice will auto-complete as the information is entered. In addition, a drop box will open if the user prefers to select information from a list.


The Billing Center enables agencies to bill and collect for services provided in an easy, efficient way. A few of the unique features include:

  • Managing Notice of Elections (NOEs): These are easily accessible, and verification is conveniently handled through the Billing Center.
  • Notice of Transfer/Revocation (NOTR): Similar to handling NOEs, this information is managed easily through the Billing Center.
  • Interactive Compliance Tracking: Axxess Hospice features color-coded indicators to let administrators know when more documentation is needed, or has been uploaded or completed, and is ready for review.

Bereavement Center

The Axxess Hospice Bereavement Center is unique to the hospice industry. While other hospice software products may have bereavement service included, they do not have a Bereavement Center that is easy to use, and that enables users to spend more of their time providing compassionate, individualized and compliant bereavement services. A few of the unique features include:

  • Individualized Plan of Care: The Medicare Conditions of Participation mandate individualized plan of care for those receiving bereavement services from a hospice. Users will immediately recognize the layout organized by the patient name with the care plan easily accessible, and the bereaved are each listed as well.
  • View Patient Chart: When needed, the patient chart can be accessed directly through the Bereavement Center, enabling a seamless transition from the IDG team to the bereavement time and a more timely response for care and meeting the needs of the bereaved.
  • Bereavement Risk Assessment Scores: Complementing the individualized plan of care, the bereavement risk assessment score is displayed for each of the bereaved, making it easy for the bereavement coordinator to focus on those most in need.
  • Specific Bereavement Tasks: Axxess Hospice enables bereavement professionals to document group activities from attendance to content. Our solution also conveniently enables memorial services, community outreach and bereavement group activities to be documented.

Orders Management

Axxess Hospice orders management enables agencies to schedule people and priorities over processes. The Orders Management Dashboard is a user-friendly, powerful tool that makes it easy for users to manage orders and track key performance indicators. A few of the unique features include:

  • Orders by Age: Outstanding orders organized by age provide users a quick glance of agency performance in sending and receiving orders.
  • Physician-Specific Tracking: Users can see the number of outstanding orders by physician so they can focus their efforts on collaborating with the physician to get orders signed.
  • Track Bill Holds: Bill holds often result because orders have not been signed by physicians. Displaying the type of document that is causing a bill hold enables users to focus on getting the document signed and improving the process for getting needed signatures.
  • Outstanding Orders by Type: Similar to tracking bill holds, this enables more visibility so the agency can improve processes for obtaining physician signatures promptly.
  • Orders Pending Approval: This enables the agency to see which orders have been submitted by the clinician but have not been sent to the physician for signature. It is a valuable tool in monitoring the performance of the agency in the timeliness of processing orders.

As you know, all solutions go through a testing period with a handful of users to make it truly special by the time it is shared with the entire industry. We are in that phase right now, but we are already getting raves for the unique features it has to specifically improve the workflow for hospice caregivers.
I am proud and delighted Axxess has created a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use software that stands out from other solutions being offered. I’m so excited about what we offer and will keep you informed when it is available after we complete the testing phase. Working together, we are making lives better.

