7 Benefits of using Axxess’ AgencyCore Home Health Software on the iPAD

Home Health clinicians nationwide continue to enjoy the benefits of having real time access to their information from anywhere at any time on any device of their choice. Axxess’ web based home health care software solution and its point of care features can be conveniently accessed using an iPAD, Android, MAC, Windows based Desktop, Laptops or other touch screen Tablet PCs. Axxess’ software can be accessed through any browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari or any other internet browsers. Below, we highlight the benefits of using Axxess’ software on the iPAD.

Agencycore on iPad

Agencycore on iPad

  1. Portability: One of the biggest advantages of using an iPAD as your point of care device is that it is portable and can be used anywhere. This applies to both the WiFi and 3G+WiFi models. The iPAD is completely portable and there are dozens of accessories to help make computing power even more portable. You can get cases, keyboards and other devices to make your point of care experience enjoyable.
  2. Ease of Use: With an intuitive touch screen interface, the iPAD is a powerful point of care device. Axxess’ revolutionary one-touch design is optimized very naturally for the iPAD. While most clinicians will not use an iPAD exclusively, the simplicity for the iPAD makes is a great option for clinicians to look up information on the go and communicate effectively. Clinicians nationwide already enjoy access to Axxess’ complete home health software on their iPADs.
  3. Improved Compliance: Axxess offers clinicians real time access to teaching guides, medication information and training videos. Axxess customers have instant and convenient access to information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language they can understand. With this integrated access, clinicians can learn about the latest treatments, look up information on a drug or supplement, find out the meanings of words, or view medical videos or illustrations, all on their iPADs. They can also get links to the latest medical research on several topics or find out about clinical trials on a disease or condition. With convenient and instant updates delivered regularly, clinicians have access to the most current compliance updates.
  4. Empowered Clinicians: Axxess Agencycore home health software offers extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 800 diseases and conditions that can ne conveniently accessed at point of care on the iPAD. There are directories, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, easy-to-understand tutorials on common conditions, tests, and treatments, health information in Spanish, Chinese, Russian and several other languages, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials. The information is updated daily.
  5. Improved Collaboration: Axxess’ web based home health software provides home health care organizations the ability to collaborate and communicate instantly from anywhere at any time. They can communicate with other clinical and administrative staff and can make decisions faster and more accurately. The complete availability of a patient’s medical record allows clinicians to review, direct, manage and influence patient’s care and achieve expected outcomes positively. All members of the multi-disciplinary team can review pertinent information and revise care provided to patients accordingly. With the convenience of being able to work from anywhere on their iPADS, Axxess web based home health software empowers agencies to better participate in patient care activities. The result is a more efficient team with the ability to provide immediate responses and positive outcomes which translates into happy patients.
  6. Instant Axxess to Schedule: With the iPAD, home health clinicians have instant access to their schedules and can effectively communicate and collaborate with other staff to ensure patient’s needs are being met. At the point of care, clinicians can update their schedule based on patient’s needs and communicate that information instantly to all members of the multi-disciplinary team. Saving time and being efficient are even more important in a regulatory environment where there are reimbursement cutbacks and constant audits. With the iPAD, you have immediate access to your calendar and schedule. Whether you are in the car, in the office or at a coffee shop, you can get to the information you need.
  7. Cloud Computing: Axxess delivers it complete home health software on the iPAD unlike other home health software. The information created and edited on the iPAD by your clinicians at the point of care can be accessed from anywhere and by anyone with proper access. This is great news for clinicians because it reduces or eliminates unnecessary trips to the office to obtain information. Clinicians have real-time, anywhere, anytime access to all patient data that helps them make decisions faster and more accurately

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