ICD-10 Is Here. No, Really.

Editor’s note: Original article featuring Axxess published on HealthcareDIVE.

After years of planning, software upgrades, complaints, varying degrees of panic and numerous delays, the new generation of U.S. healthcare codes goes into effect today.

“Many agencies were gearing up for the transition first set for Oct. 1, 2014. However, when the delay was announced in 2014…many agencies put their implementation training on the back burner and didn’t continue to prepare for ICD-10-CM implementation,” Jennifer Gibson; a RN, HCS-D, COS-C, and ICD-10 coding trainer for healthcare technology company Axxess; told Healthcare Dive.

The company has been conducting coding seminars across the country and has seen a broad spread in preparation for the change — or lack thereof, Gibson said.

Click here to read the full article on HealthcareDIVE.
