Texas Administrative Training Hours – A Clarification

The following is a clarification of the required Administrative hours training summarized from Title 40, Chapter 97, Subchapter C, and Division 3 of the Texas Administrative Code

First-Time Administrator on or After December 1, 2006

A first-time administrator and alternate administrator of an agency must each complete a total of 24 clock hours of educational training in the administration of an agency before the end of the first 12 months after designation to the position.
Prior to designation, a first-time administrator or alternate administrator must complete eight clock hours of educational training in the administration of an agency. The initial eight clock hours must be completed during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of designation to the position.

A first-time administrator and alternate administrator must complete an additional 16 clock hours of educational training before the end of the first 12 months after designation to the position. Any of the additional 16 clock hours may be completed prior to designation if completed during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of designation to the position.

After completing the 24 hours of educational training within the first 12 months after designation as a first-time administrator and alternate administrator, an administrator and alternate administrator must then complete the continuing education requirements for all administrators in each subsequent 12-month period after designation.

Continuing Education for Other Administrators

An administrator and alternate administrator must complete 12 clock hours of continuing education within each 12-month period beginning with the date of designation. Essentially, administrators and alternates must complete at least 12 clock hours of continuing education training every year.

For an administrator or alternate administrator designated as an agency administrator or alternate administrator before December 1, 2006 who has not served as an administrator or alternate administrator for 180 days or more immediately preceding the date of designation, the following guideline applies: within the first 12 months after the date of designation, at least eight of the 12 clock hours of continuing education must include the topics designed for first-time administrators after December 1, 2006. The remaining four hours of continuing education must include topics related to the overall duties of an administrator.

Training Requirements

All training requirements described above must be met through structured, formalized classes, correspondence courses, competency-based computer courses, training videos, distance learning programs, or off-site training courses. Subject matter that deals with the internal affairs of an organization does not qualify for credit.

The training must be provided or produced by:

  • an academic institution;
  • a recognized state or national organization or association;
  • an independent contractor who consults with agencies; or
  • an agency.

If an agency or independent contractor provides or produces the training, the training must be approved by the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) or recognized by a state or national organization or association. The agency must maintain documentation of this approval for review by DADS surveyors.
Documentation of administrator and alternate administrator training must:

  • be on file at the agency; and
  • contain the name of the class or workshop, the course content (such as the curriculum), the hours and dates of the training, and the name and contact information of the entity and trainer who provided the training.

An administrator or alternate administrator must not apply the pre-survey conference toward the continuing education requirements describe above.

Please click on the link below to see the guidelines in the Texas Administrative Code


Axxess is an approved provider of continuing education training in the administration of Home Health Agencies.
