Four Tips for Better Home Care Communication

While it may seem like a simple concept, effective communication takes a lot of effort for an organization. Now, more than ever, it is critical to ensure your caregivers are getting the information they need during these uncertain times. Since caregivers are your front line, having a proactive, transparent communication strategy in place is critical to your success.

Below are four tips to improve communication with your caregivers:

1. Be Transparent and Communicate Often

You may not have all the answers, but you can show your caregivers how much you value them by keeping communication flowing. The last thing a caregiver wants to feel during these times is left in the dark about important updates with their organization. Communicate clearly and often, be upfront and transparent about the situation at hand and share any changes that your organization might be making to adapt. Phone, email and system messaging are great ways to provide company-wide communications and maintain trust with your caregivers.

2. Observe and Listen to Build Trust

This is an important communication skill as sometimes it is not about what your caregiver needs, but about knowing that someone is listening to them. Ask questions, listen for answers, be authentic and pay attention to what they say their needs are. Communication is a two-way process, and being an active listener is just as important as being a clear communicator.

3. Embrace Core Values

Motivate your caregiver team by reminding them of your organization’s core values and the merit of the great work they provide to clients, even in uncertain times. Your company culture, mission and core values drive your business decisions, so share them with your caregivers as you determine the next steps to overcome challenges in the current environment or during any other crisis that comes your way. An understanding of your company’s core values will create an environment that your caregivers are proud to work in and be part of as they provide quality care to clients.

4. Never Stop Communicating

At a time when many people are feeling vulnerable, it is impossible to over-communicate. Improved communication can drive your organization’s success by helping employees avoid feeling isolated while they’re providing care to clients and doing their part to practice social distancing. Communication can come in a variety of forms to keep your caregivers engaged, such as sharing useful resources and information, providing encouragement as often as possible, or simply calling to check in on how they are doing and keep them updated on any changes.

Nobody can predict how long the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will last or the impact it will have long-term, so it is crucial to keep your caregivers informed. Be transparent in your communication and thoroughly document important updates in your home care software.
