Mobile Technology for Home Health Reporting is Here

Welcome to the future! Mobile technology for home health reporting is here. This addition to functionality should get you excited about the efficiencies, the better care your patients will receive and the increase in job satisfaction by your nurses and therapists in the field. However, there is cause for more excitement, when you think about the marketing communication advantages that going mobile with your home health software creates. Many of the results from going mobile can translate into advantages for your home health agency, and these are worth communicating to your customer base!

Advantage #1: You are more connected real-time to the patient – only a keystroke away when the nurse or therapist is in the home. Patient-centered care at the heart of reporting!

Advantage #2: Results in real-time savings in data entry time and decreased errors in reporting means more time with nurse or therapist and patient. Patient-centered care at the heart of the home visit!

Advantage #3: Retaining qualified, excellent staff with increased job satisfaction means more consistency of care, and happier in-home visits. Patient-centered care at the heart of care delivery!

Advantage #4: A friendly and easy way to communicate with physicians. Since physicians are now 250% more likely to use a mobile device, having a home health care software that communicates on a tablet is opening up that marketing door in another positive way. Your agency is at a definite marketing advantage if you can deliver admissions, communication and information via a personal portal, securely HIPAA compliant, and on the doctor’s mobile device.

Advantage #5: Using mobile technology is an overall indicator of your agency’s progressiveness. Thinking ahead and planning for the future is the sign of a smart business. Agencies that are thought leaders – progressive companies – are finding ways in which they can contribute to a better healthcare experience for all.”

Communicating the positive difference that your agency makes in the lives of your referral sources (as well as your patients) is a powerful marketing message. What you can do for them today to help their patients continue to have good experiences as they move through the health care continuum is a positive reflection on all. After all, referring to those who are trusted to follow through and create a positive patient experience keeps the experiences positive and results in more savings to the system and better health care services.I think this is called a Win-Win, and adding mobile technology makes this a WIN-WIN-WIN.

About Merrily Orsini

Merrily Orsini’s professional background combines her skills in technology with her expertise in communicating and a fondness for interacting with people. Her business ownership began with a geriatric care managed in-home care agency, a venture that garnered her the prestigious Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 1996. She would later sell that business and found corecubed in 1998, a digital marketing company that focuses on marketing aging care services using strategy, design and integration to get results for our home care and aging care client partners. Recognized nationally for her expertise in strategic marketing for aging related services, particularly home care and home health services, Orsini is involved in numerous organizations within the home care industry. She is the past Chair of the Private Duty Homecare Association of America, and recently served on the board of the National Association for Home Care and Hospice. Learn more about Merrily at merrilyorsini.com.
