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In this episode of Help Choose Home, the special guest is Dr. Fran Hoh, an Advanced Practice Nurse board-certified in hospice and palliative care, as well as the founder and CEO of Palliative RX. Palliative RX offers live online programs in elderly healthcare education for families and patients who have... Keep Reading
During an audience poll in a recent presentation, 61% of attendees admitted that they are not using an electronic medical records (EMR) software that offers interoperability with other programs. Using an intuitive home health software that provides these built-in connections will save organizations time and money, and even facilitate better patient... Keep Reading
Managing claim payments is an integral but often time-consuming process in the home care industry. Yet with increasing client volumes, an expanding health insurance market and a decrease on reimbursement rates, using claims management tools is a must in order to meet industry demands. An increasing number of healthcare organizations are... Keep Reading
As a portion of the United States was recently hit with one of the most devastating winter storms in recent history, many hospices likely relied on their crisis plan to help navigate through winter weather, power failures and treacherous conditions. This disaster also emphasized the importance of having a crisis plan... Keep Reading
With any new patients over the age of 18, home healthcare clinicians are required to complete a lengthy assessment designed to enable systematic comparative measurements for outcomes, called the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS). In part one of this two-part blog series, we explored the importance of looking for... Keep Reading
Anyone who works with children knows that they move around a lot. In many ways, this can be true of children with special healthcare needs, including those with limited mobility. Higher acuity pediatrics, who may receive private duty nursing in the home, can have durable medical equipment and supplies that must... Keep Reading
Communication is one the of the most powerful tools to educate and inform your audience and grow your business. I was honored to share some of my expertise recently with the Illinois Homecare and Hospice Council during their virtual annual conference. My session focused on how you can communicate to grow... Keep Reading
In this episode of Help Choose Home, we’re joined by Ken Albert, president and CEO of Androscoggin Home Healthcare + Hospice. Androscoggin is an independent nonprofit home healthcare organization in central Maine that has been serving about nine counties and 185 communities for the last 55 years. Topics discussed include: · The... Keep Reading
Since 1999, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has required certified home health organizations to collect extensive patient assessment data with more than 100 questions. Over 20 years later, clinicians are still struggling with time constraints in assessing and completing the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS). However, with... Keep Reading
Knowing which visits were filled and which were missed is a fundamental building block of a care-at-home organization’s success. However, tracking and compiling this amount of information per caregiver can often be tedious and time consuming. An intuitive home care software will offer analytic features that automatically gather data on which... Keep Reading
Hospice patients, their families and even healthcare professionals often ponder the role of the hospice social worker. It is believed that hospice social workers only assist with the patient’s advance directives, but this essential interdisciplinary group member is responsible for much more than that. Their expertise doesn’t just benefit patients, but... Keep Reading
The COVID-19 pandemic is very new territory for all of us. The more information we have, the safer we can be. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers guidance on vaccinating home-bound patients, which includes training resources and vaccine handling recommendations, while each state also has its own distribution... Keep Reading

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