
Payroll Export Center

The Payroll Export Center enables users to generate robust payroll reporting, export ADP (.csv) and Paychex (.txt) vendor files, and streamline payroll processing and operations overall.

Agencies have the option of using the Payroll Export Center or the Payroll Summary in the Home Health solution for processing payroll. If you choose not to enable the Payroll Export Center, you will still have the full functionality of the Home Health Payroll Summary. If you enable the Payroll Export Center, you will no longer process payroll under Payroll Summary. Complete the instructions below to enable the Payroll Export Center. Once enabled, update user profiles for each of your agency’s users. Instructions for updating user profiles are also provided below. Once your updates are done, you will be able to generate more robust Excel reporting and vendor exports for seamless payroll processing.

If your agency does not process payroll for ADP or Paychex, you can still choose to opt-in and process your payroll. Upon generating the export file, save or discard the file (since the format will not apply to your agency). Processing payroll this way will require you to manually generate an export file for your vendor, but you will be able to do so in a more efficient manner because of the robust Excel reports provided.

Enable/Disable Payroll Export Center

  • Select Company Setup under the Admin tab.
  • Navigate to the Financial/Payroll tab using the left-side menu.
  • Scroll to the Payroll Export Center section under Payroll.
  • To enable the Payroll Export Center, select Enable and complete the required fields (below). To disable the Payroll Export Center, select Disable.

Payroll Batch ID – Auto-generated by the system. The ID will always be updated to reflect the next batch ID you run.

Payroll Vendor – Select ADP or Paychex as your vendor.

Payroll Company Code/ID – Enter the Company Code or ID given to you by your vendor.

Update User Profiles

To Update User Profiles:

  • Navigate to the Admin tab, hover over Lists, and select Users from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Edit in the Action column on the right side of the user you want to edit.
  • In the User Information section (on the Information tab), complete the following required fields:

Pay Type – Based on the Employment Type field. Select Salary, Hourly, or Per Visit based on how a user is paid.

Payroll File #/Worker ID – Enter the ID established and given to the user by the payroll vendor. This ID enables vendors to identify users for which payroll is being processed.

Visit Activity Pay Rates:

To create a new visit pay rate, create a new non-visit pay rate, or edit an existing pay rate, select the Visit Activity Pay Rates tab from the left-side menu and complete all the required components:

  • Insurance – Select an insurance from the list of insurances set up by your agency.
  • Visit/Non-Visit Task Type – Select a task from the drop-down list of all visit and non-visit tasks.
  • Pay Type – Select Per Visit, Per Hour, or Single Payment to identify how the user will paid for the specific visit.
  • User Rate – Enter a dollar amount to pay the user, relative to the Pay Type selected above.
  • Mileage Rate – This is not a required field, but can be used to specify a different mileage reimbursement rate than the established Company Mileage Reimbursement Rate. If a rate is not entered here, the company rate will be used.

Payroll Export Center Overview

To access the Payroll Export Center, hover of the Admin tab and select Payroll Export Center from the drop-down menu.

Complete the payroll parameters and click Generate to view payroll details.

Payroll Parameters

Required filter parameters:

  • Date Range: Enter the date range to generate payroll details. Payroll is often run on a weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly basis.
  • Employee: This field defaults to All and enables users to select from a list of the agency’s active and inactive employees.
  • Branch: This field defaults to All and enables users to select from a list of the agency’s branches.
  • Visit/Non-Visit Task Type: This field defaults to All and enables users to select from a list of tasks.

Click the More Filters button in the top right corner to view the following additional filters:

  • Insurance/Payer
  • Visit Status
  • Employee Credentials
  • Employment Type
  • Pay Type

Click Hide Filters to collapse the five additional filters.

Additional Columns

Under the payroll parameter filters, the Additional Columns menu enables users to generate more robust payroll data. Users can select any or all of the 16 additional column options:

Column   Description
Associated Mileage    Generates the value noted in the visit documentation.  
Auto Calc. Mileage   Displays the number of miles driven, as determined by the system’s automated calculation of the distance between the starting and ending visit address. (This calculation only populates for visits with completed statuses.)  
Auto Calc. Mileage Amount    Displays the mileage reimbursement amount, as determined by the auto-calculated mileage above and the reimbursement rate entered in the user/company profile.  
Auto Calc. Travel Hours    Displays the average travel time to and from the point of care, based on the user and patient addresses in the system. (This calculation only populates for visits with completed statuses.)  
EVV Hours    Displays the total number of EVV hours.  
EVV Time    Displays total EVV time.  
Employee Credentials    Displays employee credentials entered in the user profile.  
Employee Pay Type    Displays employment type entered in the user profile.  
Insurance/Payer    Displays insurance/payer affiliated with the episode and visit information.  
Patient MRN    Displays patient Medical Record Number (MRN) entered in the patient profile.  
Pay Rate    Displays pay rate entered in the user profile.  
Pay Type    Displays pay type entered in the user profile.  
Payroll File/Worker ID    Displays payroll file/worker ID entered in the user profile.  
Travel Hours    Generates the value noted in the visit documentation.  
Visit Hours    Payroll hours calculated based on the visit time in and visit time out components entered in the visit documentation.  
Visit Status    Displays the visit’s current status in the Schedule Center.  

Edit Functionality

Edit functionality enables the payroll processor to change values in specific fields as needed. Modifications can be made in the following four fields:

Field   Description
Visit Time    Displays the visit time in and visit time out as noted in the visit. Any edits made to these times in the Payroll Export Center will automatically update the visit time information in the visit and visit log (both of which can be accessed through the Schedule Center).  
Travel Time   Displays the number of miles driven, as determined by the system’s automated calculation of the distance between the starting and ending visit address. (This calculation only populates for visits with completed statuses.)  
Associated Mileage    Displays the mileage reimbursement amount, as determined by the auto-calculated mileage above and the reimbursement rate entered in the user/company profile.  
Surcharge Amount    Displays the average travel time to and from the point of care, based on the user and patient addresses in the system. (This calculation only populates for visits with completed statuses.)  

Click on the pencil icon to edit a field and the save icon to save changes.

Reports can be generated in the Payroll Export Center using the following buttons:

Export Generated    Generates an Excel file with basic payroll information for the selected time frame. This report provides a summary overview, rather than a detailed report. It does not include any information from the Additional Columns menu.  
Export Details   Generates an Excel file with over 25 columns of data, including items selected from the Additional Columns menu. Agencies that do not use ADP or Paychex as a payroll vendor can use this report to manually create an export file that meets their vendor’s specific requirements.  

Generate the above reports by selecting the respective Export Generated or Export Details button on the right side of the screen.

Activity Logs

The Activity Logs feature enables users to track all changes made to a visit. To view a visit’s Activity Logs, navigate to the Schedule Center and find the visit. Select Menu under the Action column and click Details from the drop-down menu. Select Activity Log in the bottom left corner of the visit details window in the Attachments section.

Schedule Center ➜ Menu (in the Action column) ➜ Details ➜ Activity Logs (in the bottom left corner of the task details window)