
Canceling an OASIS


View>List>Exported OASIS>Locate patient>Select Edit


A popup box will appear in which you’ll use the dropdown to change the Correction code to 00


A message will appear in the top right corner indicating the correction number has been updated.


Next, select the Generate Cancel option for the patient.


Save the Zip file to your computer


Now you can complete the process of submitting your OASIS.


Once your Validation Report has been accepted, you’ll need to return to View>List>Exported OASIS>Locate patient>Select Reopen.


Input the reason that the OASIS was reopened.


Scroll down to confirm that you want to Reopen the assessment.


The OASIS assessment has been placed in the patient’s chart for you to make your corrections and send back to QA for approval. Once approved you’ll then resubmit the OASIS as normal.



How do you know which OASIS should be canceled?  See OASIS TIPS – Key/Non-Key Fields