
Patient Information


View Patient Information

Patient ChartsTo view the patient’s profile (equivalent to the demographics or face sheet) you will hover over the Patients tab, then select Patient Charts.


Find PatientTo find the patient you are looking for, type in the patient name in the Find box and click on the patient’s name to select that patient.


On the right-hand side of the patient’s chart under Quick Reports For This Patient, select Patient Profile by clicking on it.


Patient Profile


This will open up the patient’s profile sheet which contains all the patient information for the current episode. The patient profile can be printed out to place with other documents as part of the emergency preparedness plan or any other applicable use.

Print Patient Profile


With permissions, you can edit the patient profile from the Patient’s Chart. Find the Edit link below the Patient Summary.



Edit desired fields. All required fields are designated with a red asterisk. When done, scroll down and click Save to update the changes to the profile.

Edit Patient



Signing the Medication Profile

Signing the medication profile can be done from a few different places.

  • Patient’s Chart
  • Within a Nursing Note
  • Within a Start of Care, Resumption, or Recertification OASIS


Patient ChartsFrom the Patients tab, choose Patient Charts. Locate the chart of the patient whose medication profile you wish to sign. On the right of the Patient’s Chart, you can find Medication Profile(s) under Quick Reports for this patient. Once you click on the Medication Profile(s) a new window will pull up with the patient’s specific medication profile.

Medication Profile


Under the episode and diagnosis information are a few action buttons. Click Sign Medication Profile button to verify and sign the medication profile.

Medication Profile


As mentioned before, you can also access the medication profile from within a nursing note. For an example, we will use a Skilled Nurse note. However, all types of nursing notes have the same functionality.

Scheduling Center


Update Med ProfileInside the nursing note, you will locate the Update Med Profile button under Care Coordination.


Click the Sign Medication Profile button to verify and sign the medication profile.

Medication Profile


The third location the medication profile may be signed from is within a Start of Care, Resumption, or Recertification OASIS.

Schedule Center


Select the Medications tab on the left-hand side and click Sign Medication Profile button.

Sign Medication Profile


From any of these options when Sign Medication Profile is selected, it opens the Medication Profile. This will capture all active medications for the signed profile.


Once all medications have been reviewed, you will scroll down and enter the electronic signature. This is also a declaration that the individual signing the medication profile has performed all applicable tasks identified in the Drug Regimen Review Acknowledgment, which is just above the clinician signature box.

Sign Medication Profile


To view and/or sign a signed medication profile, go to any of the locations listed above to locate the medication profile and select Signed Medication Profiles.

Medication Profile


Except in the OASIS, where it will be listed as View Medication Profiles.


This will pull up a list of previously signed medication profiles.

Signed Date


The signed profile can then be viewed by clicking on the printer icon to the right of the corresponding Signed Date. This will open the document, which will display all the active medications at the time of signing and the electronic signature of the clinician at the bottom of the document. You also have the option to print a PDF of the signed medication profile.

Print Medication Profile