
CHAP Verified FAQs

What is CHAP?

Community Health Accreditation Partner, known as CHAP, is the oldest accreditation organization for the care at home industry. CHAP is one of the three accreditation bodies from which Medicare providers must be verified. All three are non-profit organizations that regularly survey healthcare organizations of all sizes to ensure compliance is being met.

What does “CHAP Verified” mean?

It means that CHAP has independently examined the healthcare software solution and determined that the software meets the requirements necessary for compliance with this accrediting body.

How did Axxess become “CHAP Verified”?

Axxess underwent a rigorous site visit similar to what is experienced by care at home organizations, with opening and closing conferences, interviews, a review of records and quality reporting for our four care solution products. Prior to the CHAP team’s visit, Axxess prepared real-life scenarios to illustrate how Axxess solutions support excellence in clinician documentation of care delivery for healthcare organizations and professionals.

The survey and audit helped to ensure Axxess software meets quality and compliance requirements of CHAP standards. Throughout the process, the actual CHAP standards were discussed and reviewed as part of the dialogue for verification.

Why did CHAP choose Axxess as the first healthcare software solution to be verified?

CHAP chose to review Axxess first because of feedback received from its surveyors and auditors over the past two years. They reported that organizations using Axxess’ enterprise solutions adapted to the challenges of the COVID pandemic more easily while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. The surveyors additionally noted that Axxess’ mobile solution aided quality care delivery processes for field staff.

Which Axxess solutions have been “CHAP Verified”?

The “CHAP Verified” status applies to Axxess Home Health, Axxess Hospice, Axxess Home Care and Axxess Palliative Care.

Is anyone else “CHAP Verified”?

No. Axxess is the first healthcare software company to receive the “CHAP Verified” status. This is the first time an accrediting body has officially verified any healthcare software.

What does Axxess’ “CHAP Verified” status mean for my organization?

This means that you can be confident that when you partner with Axxess, your staff will have access to the tools needed to provide documentation that is compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.

How can I learn more about CHAP?

The CHAP standards for all service lines will be provided to you within our Certification Learning Management System. This LMS is available to Axxess clients free of charge beginning May 31, 2022. Until then, feel free to visit the CHAP website.

What were the top 10 deficiencies for CHAP in 2021?

The CHAP top 10 deficiencies will be provided to organizations using the Axxess Certification Program beginning May 31, 2022. Organizations will receive additional communication about how Axxess solves for each deficiency.