
Intake/New Patients

Create New Patient

Create New PatientOne way to enter a new patient in Axxess Home Health is to fill out a New Patient Form. Locate the New Patient Form by navigating to the Create tab choosing New, and Patient.

You will be taken to the New Patient Form. 

New Patient

All fields that require completion to save a New Patient are indicated with a red asterisk.  These will be the minimum of fields you need to complete.

The first section of a New Patient file is Patient Demographics.  The required fields within this section are:

  • First and Last Name.
  • Patient Gender.
  • Patient Date of Birth.
  • The Case Manager field contains a drop-down list of all clinicians assigned a Case Manager role. Select the user who will be case managing this patient.
  • The staff member selected to Assign to Clinician/Case Manager field will be assigned to the patient’s start of care visit.
  • Patient ID/MR Number: Allows flexibility for agencies to use your own medical record numbering system, the Home Health soltuion does not automatically assign a Medical Record number. For easy reference, we will display the last medical record number used.
  • The Start of Care Date is the next mandatory field. Enter the planned start of care date. This is the date the clinician will be scheduled to complete the Start of Care on the patient.
  • Below the Start of Care Date is the Episode Start Date. In most instances the Start of Care Date and Episode Start Date will be the same when entering a new patient. However, there are some incidences where this may not be the case. The Home Health solution allows you to enter a different date to accommodate a scenario as well as the transition period when moving onto our application. If you are currently transitioning onto Axxess Home Health, please refer to your implementation guide on the entry requirements of the Start of Care and Episode Start Date for current patients being entered at re-certification.

New Patient

Medicare Patients:

A patient’s Medicare number is not required to create a patient. If the patient has Medicare as a payor source, the Medicare number may be entered along with the patient’s first/last name, DOB, and gender.  Medicare eligibility can then be instantly checked!

To check Medicare eligibility, you can click on the Verify Medicare Eligibility button.  Once selected, a screen will pop up with the return eligibility information displayed.  The screen will contain the effective dates of the patient’s part A and B coverage as well as any other agencies or insurances involved.  If no other insurance or agency is involved, you will only see the Medicare part A and B information.

Episode DetailsThe last area under Patient Demographics that we will highlight are the following two statements:

  • Create Episode &  Schedule OASIS Start of Care Visit after saving and
  • Create a face to face encounter

Both of these statements are defaulted with a check mark. You have the option to deselect the defaulted selections or select to Create Episode & Schedule Non-OASIS Start of Care Visit after saving.

The Create Episode and Schedule Start of Care Visit after saving option will automatically create a patient episode matching the Episode Start Date as well as create an SOC visit with the staff member indicated in the Assign to Clinician/Case Manager field. As noted below the statement, “(If this box is unchecked, patient will be added to list of pending admissions.)” The Home Health solution allows adjustment of the date if the SOC changes.

The Create face to face encounter will create an order task to send to the physician for signature.  It is recommended to keep this statement checked for your Medicare and other patients with a payor source requiring a face to face encounter. You can deselect this statement when payors do not require face to face documentation.

Scrolling down the screen, the next three sections are:

  • Race/Ethnicity section corresponds to (M0140). The selection will flow to the OASIS.
  • Payment Source (M0150) will also flow to the OASIS.
  • Patient Address section contains several required fields including Address Line 1, City, State, Zip and a Primary or Home Phone number.
    • Select the correct, Default Service Location (Q – Code) option.


Payment Source

Patient Address

Continuing through the form, you have:

  • In the patient’s Insurance/Payor Information, the primary payor source information is required.  All payor sources entered into your agency profile database will be available for selection. If the patient’s payor is not currently listed in your agency profile for selection, it will need to be added; refer to the, Insurance/Payor Information section for assistance.
  • Next is the area to enter the patient’s Physician Information.  The primary physician is the physician who has agreed to sign the patient orders.  If the primary physician is not currently in your database, you may select New Physician to add him/her during this process.
  • The patient’s Primary Emergency Contact can also be added to the patient’s profile for easy reference.
  • Emergency Triage.  In most instances the triage level will not be known until the patient’s assessment is completed.
  • After Emergency Triage, add the patient’s Pharmacy Information. If the patient’s pharmacy is not listed, it can be added by selecting, Add New Pharmacy.
  • The Evacuation Zone is a critical field for completion if your state regulations require documentation of a patient’s evacuation zone.  It is not a required field within the database. Please check your agency’s regional compliance for Evacuation Zone requirements.

Insurance and Physician Info

Emergency Details

After all required information is entered into the New Patient form you have three selection options: Save the Patient Information, Admit or Cancel.

SaveWhen selecting the Save option, the patient moves to a Pending Admission status.  The Start of Care visit and Episode are not created.

The Pending Admission will now be located  under the Patients tab and Pending Admissions. This feature can be utilized to track upcoming pending admissions, and used to easily admit a patient when ready to schedule the Start of Care.

Admit PatientWhen a user selects to Admit Patient from the new patient form, the Home Health solution will schedule the Start of Care visit on the indicated Start of Care Date.  The clinician assigned to the Start of Care visit will have the patient on his/her My Scheduled Task.

Once you admit the patient, you will see a notification that the patient was saved successfully! The patient is now located under the Active patient list, and the OASIS has been assigned to the clinician’s scheduled task.

Patient Saved

CancelThe last option is to Cancel.  Selecting this option will close the screen without saving the information.

Pending Admissions

Pending AdmissionsWhen you are ready to Admit a saved patient, you can do so from the Pending Admissions list. Go to the Patients tab and choose Pending Admissions.

Select, Admit for the patient you wish to admit. Verify the information, update the Start of Care Date, and then select Admit.

Pending Patient Admissions

Admit Patient

Admitted Patients

Patient ChartsTo locate an admitted patient, navigate to the Patients tab and choose Patient Charts.

Find PatientOn the left side of the Patient Charts, find the search filters. You can filter by: Branch or by patient name. If an agency has multiple branches, filtering by Branch can be useful to select the branch of the patient you are looking for. You can also view various patient status’ (Active, Discharged, Pending, and Non-admitted patients).  Filter by payor if you know the insurance your patient uses or simply search by first or last name. As soon as you start typing the letters of the name, the software will begin auto-populating a list of names. Select the patient’s name from the list to view his/her chart.

New Referral

You have two options to add a patient into the Home Health solution.  The path you choose will depend on information you receive at time of referral as well as by the processes your agency follows.

  • If you receive more detailed information at time of referral it may be easier to enter the patient in as a new patient, which we described above.
  • If your agency tracks referrals or you receive very little basic information at time of referral, entering the patient in as a new referral will be your best option.

New ReferralTo add a new patient in as a Referral, start by choosing the Create tab, choose New, and Referral.

New Physician

Throughout the Home Health solution, field items that require completion to save the document to the database are indicated by a red asterisk to the right of the field.

Required fields in the Referral Source and Demographics section include:

  • Admission Source: this a standard table that is defined by CMS
  • Referral Date: Enter the date the agency received the referral from the referral source;
  • Patient First Name/Last Name/Gender and Date of Birth enter patient information.
  • Assign to Clinician is the clinician that will be completing the Start of Care for the patient. This can be change later if needed
  • Address Line 1, address where the patient will be receiving care, City, State and Zip.
  • Home Phone Number: Enter the patient home phone number.

If your agency tracks referral sources and it happens to be a physician that referred the patient, the intake staff may add the physician to the referral form.

If the physician is not found, you have the ability to add a New Physician right from the new referral screen. See Physician Information for further instruction on adding a new physician into the software

New Physician

Medicare Patients:

You will notice that the Medicare number is not required when entering a new referral. This is due to the fact that not all patients will have Medicare as a payer source. However, if Medicare is the payer source, the Home Health solution allows for entry of the Medicare number at this point and the ability to instantly check patient eligibility.

Medicare Eligibility:

To check Medicare eligibility, enter the patient’s first name, last name, DOB, gender, and the Medicare number. Now click on the Verify Medicare Eligibility button.  Once selected a pop up box with the return eligibility information will display.  This box will contain the effective dates of the patient’s part A and B coverage as well as any other agencies or insurances involved.

Patient Demographics

The lower half of the referral information page allows you to indicate services requested by the referring doctor; any DME equipment needed; Primary Physician information (this is the doctor that will sign the 485), which may or may not be different than the referring physician.  An example of differing referral and primary physicians occurs in many instances when a patient is discharged from a hospital.  The initial verbal order for start of care order and other comments may be entered in the comments section.

Add Referral

Once all the required fields and any additional information is entered the user selects Add Referral and the referral is saved. All of the information entered on the Referral form will transfer onto the New Patient form, after selecting the patient to admit under the existing referrals section.

Existing ReferralsYour referral will now be located under the Patient tab and Existing Referrals.

Non-Admitting a Patient

View List ReferralsThe Home Health solution has provided several places where a patient’s status may be updated to Non-admission. The first place to make a patient a non-admit is while the patient is still in either Referral or Pending Admission status. To see this patient, go to the View tab and choose List, and Referrals.

Existing Referralsor go to the Patients tab and choose Existing Referrals.

Pending Admissionsor go to Patients and choose Pending Admissions.

On any of these screens, select Non-Admit on the far right column of the table under Actions.

Admit Referral

Enter the Non-Admission details and Save.

Non-Admission Details

Patient ChartsYou can also change an active patient to Non-Admit from the patient’s chart. Navigate to the Patients tab and choose Patient Chart. Then, choose the patient you wish to non-admit.

Select the Change Status button on the Patient Chart.

Change Status

Then select Non-Admit from the Status drop-down menu.

Change Status

Non-AdmissionsTo locate Non-Admitted patients go to the Patients tab and choose Non-Admissions.

Patient details that you can see from the Non-Admitted Patient list include the MRN (medical record number), the patient name, insurance, policy number, patient address, date of birth, phone number, gender, non-admit reason and the non-admit date.

Under the Action column on the far right, if you have permissions, you can Admit the patient. This feature allows you to simply choose to admit the patient and complete the admission steps instead of re-entering all the information once again. To print a list of non-admitted patients, simply Export to Excel.

Admit Non-Admit Patients

Admitting a Prior Non-Admit

Non-AdmissionsThere are times when you have identified that a patient will not be coming on service, marked the patient as a Non-Admit only to have circumstances change and the patient comes on service. With Axxess Home Health, you don’t have to re-enter all of the patient information.  Instead, you simply go to the Non-Admissions Patient List by toggling to the Patients tab and choosing Non-Admissions.

In the Non-Admitted Patients list, locate the patient you wish to be admitted and select Admit on the right.

Admit Non-Admit Patients

Once the Admit link is selected the admit screen will display for you to update key information.  All mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk. Once complete, select Admit or Exit.

Admit Patient

Re-Admission Process

Patient ChartsA patient will have one continuous chart with admissions and discharge periods. The readmission process is simple with Axxess’ Home Health solution. To begin the readmission process start by opening the Patient Chart located under the Patients tab. When a patient is readmitted the chart will return to the Active patient list.

Find PatientsSelect Discharged Patients from the drop down filter on the left, then select your patients name from the list.

Now you can select Re-Admit on the right side of the chart.


The Admit Patient screen prompts you to verify the patient information, and allows you to make any changes from the previous admission period. After verifying the information select Re-admit.

Admit Patient

Find PatientsAfter selecting Re-Admit the patient will be moved to the Active Patients list. You can navigate to the Active Patients list on the left of the screen.

The OASIS Start of Care and Face to Face have been scheduled and saved automatically.

Patient Charts

Hint: to view a patient’s admission periods select Admission Periods on the front of the chart page below the demographics.

Admission Periods

This will show the patient’s different admission periods and any associated episodes.

Patient Admissions

Change Patient Status

A patient’s status can be changed at any time simply by selecting Change Status in the Patient Chart.  This option allows you to move a patient to the correct status in case they were inadvertently changed. Change Status is located next to Refresh on the patient’s chart.

Patient Charts

Select which status you want to move the patient to; and add comments if needed. Then Save.

Change Status

Pending Patients

Pending AdmissionsPending Admissions are patients that have either been entered into the system either as a New Patient or an Existing Referral that were admitted and then opted to save the information instead of admitting at that time. The Pending Patient Admission list is a great tool for monitoring patients currently waiting for admission to your agency. You can access this list by toggling over the Patients tab and choosing Pending Admissions.

Pending Patient Admissions

First, let’s take a look at the Patient List.

List Patients

  • To view the patient list; change the status to Pending from the drop-down list.
  • The list identifies the MRN (medical record number entered for the patient), patient name, insurance, policy number, patient address, patient date of birth, gender, phone number and the status.
  • Users have the option to add a New Patient from inside the Patient List screen as well as exporting the list to Excel to print and further analyze.

Patient specific Actions available within the Patient List screen are Edit and Delete.

Selecting Edit will open the patient information screen and allow the user to add/change information then, Save or cancel the updates by selecting Exit.

Edit Patients

Edit Patient

Patient ChartsIn the Home Health solution, you can upload documents to a Pending Patient. To do so, locate the patient in the Patient Chart by toggling over the Patients tab and selecting Patient Charts.

Find PatientsOn the left, you will want to change the status to Pending from the drop-down list. Now select the patient for which you would like to upload documents.

On the navigation in the Patient Chart, select Upload Document and choose New Document to upload patient files to the chart.

New Document

To view the uploaded documents select View Documents on the patient’s chart under Upload Document in the navigation on the Patient Chart.

View Documents