
Seniors Home Services

Seniors Home Services (SHS) is a one-stop resource for everything a senior needs to remain safe, comfortable and happy at home.

Axxess Home Health now provides an integration with Seniors Home Services that enables SHS to contact your patients and families and match them to specific resources that meet their needs.

Connecting Axxess Home Health clients with Seniors Home Services increases the level of opportunity for organizations to seek additional resources, such as home modifications, fall prevention measures, 24/7 remote monitoring and medication management. These comprehensive services improve patient safety and facilitate compliance.

Enable the SHS Integration

To enable the Seniors Home Services integration, Axxess Home Health clients should contact SHS here or by calling (800) 480-3344 to establish an agreement for the integration.

Once you’ve received your organization’s location ID, navigate to Company Setup under the Admin tab in Axxess Home Health.

On the Integrations tab, navigate to the Patient Information Exchange section and click Enable under Seniors Home Services. Enter your location ID in the Location ID field and click Submit Request.

Admin tab ➜ Company Setup ➜ Integrations tab ➜ Patient Information Exchange section ➜ Seniors Home Services ➜ Enable ➜ Location ID ➜ Submit Request

Once the integration status changes to Active, new patients and corresponding caregiver information will transmit to SHS daily.

The Sunday following activation, a backfill of the previous 365 days of patient and caregiver data will transmit to SHS. All subsequent daily transmissions will contain new and readmitted patients and their corresponding caregiver data.

Patient and caregiver data includes:

First and Last Name


Phone Number


Email Address