
PDGM Success Resources

PDGM Numbers that Count Guide

This guide explains how each change in a grouping affects the final reimbursement, and offers strategies to successfully deliver quality care and drive growth under PDGM.

PDGM Numbers that Count Guide

Risk Assessment Worksheet

This worksheet can help you assess your potential enterprise risk as it relates to Key Performance Indicators that will be impacted by PDGM.

Risk Assessment Worksheet

Top Questionable Encounter Codes to Avoid

This reference tool lists the top 25 most commonly used questionable encounter codes.

Questionable Encounter Codes

Ungroupable Primary Diagnoses Effective October 2020

Click to download a list of primary diagnosis that will not generate a grouping beginning October 1, 2020.

Ungroupable Primary Diagnoses

Functional Level Scoring

Click to download our guide to functional level scoring under PDGM.

Functional Level Scoring

Example Diagnosis Query Tool

The examples provided in this tool can assist agencies in guiding referral sources to provide additional information to correctly code for PDGM. These examples can also be used as a template for agencies to create diagnoses-specific queries.

Example Diagnosis Query Tool

Groupable Primary Diagnoses Effective October 2020

Click to download a list of primary diagnoses that will generate a clinical grouping beginning October 1, 2020.

Groupable Primary Diagnoses

Formerly Groupable Primary Diagnoses

Click to download a list of primary diagnoses that are no longer groupable as of October 1, 2020.

Formerly Groupable Primary Diagnoses

New Groupable Primary Diagnoses as of October 2020

Click to download a list of primary diagnoses that are groupable as of October 1, 2020.

New Groupable Primary Diagnoses

PDGM Guide for Physicians

Click to download our complete PDGM Guide for Physicians.

PDGM Guide for Physicians