
Home Health Solution Update

Axxess Resolution Center

Axxess’ online Resolution Center is now accessible from the Hoem Health solution Help tab (top-right side of the main window). For easy access to the online portal, users can select Resolution Center from the Help tab, or click on Resolution Center (link) while in the Home Health Recent Software Updates window.

OASIS POC – Title Changed on PDF Print

For the Plan of Care (POC) that was generated from a completed OASIS-C2 Resumption of Care (ROC), the PDF print title will display as “Updated Home Health Certification and Plan of Care”.

Note: The specified PDF print title change applied only to the Plan of Care generated from a completed OASIS ROC.

OASIS-C2: Therapy Evaluation ST Discipline

The system has been updated to include a new option ‘ST’ discipline in the Therapy Evaluation tab of therapy OASIS.

SN Note: Patient DNR

The system has been updated to turn on or highlight the DNR box in Skilled Nurse Visit Note that reflects the DNR blue label on Patient Charts (when the patient has an advanced care plan and/or a surrogate decision-maker).

(Patient Charts > Edit > Advanced Directives > Advanced Care Plan [Yes] > (selected) Advanced Care Plan / Surrogate Decision Maker)

If a DNR blue label is not displayed on Patient Charts, (i.e. had no advanced care plan or surrogate decision maker), then the Skilled Nurse Note DNR box will turn off or not be highlighted.

 HHVBP Report – Advanced Care Plan

The Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Advanced Care Plan (in the Report Center) has been updated to pull data from the new Patient Form (in Patient Charts) for 2018 Q1 (January-March) reporting period and future/subsequent periods.

The Denominator data is still being identified for patients aged 65 years or older who were Discharged or Transferred (including Death) for the reporting period. The calculated data responding to other Denominator questions will be correlated with the selected Yes/No options from the patient Advanced Care Plan/ Admission and Update Advanced Care Plan/Discharge, TIF, Death sections.

(Patient Charts > Edit > Advanced Directives > [Advanced Care Plan], [Update Advanced Care Plan]).

NOTE: Patients with missing Advanced Care Plan information (Admission and/or Update) will be listed in appropriate missing data section on Data Details tab of the report.

HHVBP Report – Shingles Vaccines for Patients

The HHVBP Shingles Vaccines for Patients (in the Report Center) has been updated to pull data from new OASIS-C2 in Patient Charts for 2018 Q1 (January-March) reporting period and future/subsequent periods.

The Denominator data is still being identified for patients aged 60 years or older who were Discharged or Transferred (including Death) during the reporting period. The calculated data responding to other Denominator questions will be correlated with the selected Yes/No options from the new OASIS-C2 Discharge/Transfer Immunization Log and Shingles Vaccination sections.

(OASIS-C2 Discharge/Transfer > Edit > Risk Assessment > [Immunization Log], [Shingles Vaccination]).

Updated on 4/18/2018