
Referral and Patient Form

Referral and Patient Form

Referring and Certifying Physician


The Referring/Certifying Physician field in the Referral Resource section has been separated into two fields for clarity. The new fields will be labelled as Referring Physician and Certifying Physician, and each field will also have a Tool Tip (to further explain the use of the field). The separation of referring and certifying physicians has been applied to following documents:


  • New Referral Form (in Referral Source section)
  • Patient Form – Admit/Re-Admit (in Referral Information tab)


Referring Physician can also be selected as the physician who is Signing Plan of Care and the information will automatically flow to the Certifying Physician locator. The new Face-to-Face Evaluation Information has been added as an option to identify if one of following condition was applicable:


  • NA (via a checkbox)
  • Date of Face-to-Face Visit (using a calendar picker)
  • Face-to-Face to be completed within 30 days (via a checkbox)


The Certifying Physician can also be selected to be the same as the Attending Physician if applicable. The certifying physician’s NPI will be shown in the Patient Charts and OASIS (M0018). The certifying physician’s name and NPI will flow when billing or creating the Medicare/Medicare HMO claim (RAP, Final, Adjustment).



Referral Form

Updated Print PDF


The Referral Print PDF has been updated to better display entered data in all sections of the Patient Referral Form.

SN Visit: Time In and Out

Time In and Time Out Update from Task Detail


Information for Visit Date, Time In and Time Out are the same between the Note and Task Details of the Skilled Nurse Visit.  When the Date/Time In/Out is modified from one document (SN Note or SN Task Details), the new Date/Time In/Out will be updated to the other document.




M1306 & M1311


Whenever the answer for Unhealed Pressure Ulcer at Stage 2 (M1306) is selected as “No”, any existing answer or data in ulcers Stage 2-4 or A1-F1 (M1311) will be cleared.




OASIS-C2: Height/Weight

M1060 Validation


When completing a new OASIS-C2, the system audit has been updated to properly pass validation when (M1060) height and weight had no data and the Item could not be assessed box was selected.




SN Note: Wound Type

Wound Type Added to Print PDF


The print preview PDF has been updated in the Wound Care Flowsheet section to include the Wound Type with data as entered in the Skilled Nurse Visit Note.




Updated on 4/27/2018