
Home Health Solution Update

POC: Medications

In the Edit View of the Plan of Care, the system will auto-refresh the Medication Profiles and display the medications at the time of OASIS assessment. If the medication was added or edited after the POC was generated, the user or clinician may still manually refresh (from Medication Profiles) to see all current medication information by selecting the Refresh button on the Plan of Care at the bottom of the page.


NOTE: Medications on the POC will still auto-refresh if user/clinician edited the Medication Profiles from the Add/Edit Medication box from the Plan of Care.




Medication Profile

Primary/Secondary Diagnosis Codes


The Medication Profile now displays the diagnosis codes from the most recently completed OASIS-C2 (Start of Care, Recert, or Resumption of Care).



New Order

Changes When Viewing Plan of Care Orders


When clicking on the Plan of Care Order from the New Order screen, the system now checks to ensure all required fields are populated prior to opening the Plan of Care Profile. If any required field (indicated with red asterisk *) is empty or not filled out, an error message will indicate the missing data for the required field.



Discharged Patient

Updating Start of Care Date in Episode Management Section


When updating the Start of Care Date in the Episode Management section (Patient Charts ‘Edit’), the system will maintain or update the Admission Date for the selected Episode Period (in Admission Periods).




New Insulin Administered Entry for Diabetes


In the OASIS Endocrine tab, the Diabetic Management’s Insulin section now has a new Insulin Administration text box. The clinician has the option to document the type of insulin/dose/route and site into this new text box.



POC: Physician Labels

The following physician-related headers in the Plan of Care, and print preview PDF, have been re-labeled:


  • Previously shown as Physician Providing Care Plan Oversight (PCP) (on first page), the header is now labeled Attending Physician’s Name and Address.
  • Previously shown as Certifying Physician’s Signature and Date Signed (on last page), the header is now labeled Physician’s Signature and Date Signed.




Quick Reports: Patient Profile

The Patient Profile print preview from Quick Report has been updated to display the agency’s full address correctly.



Updated on 4/30/2018