
Plan of Care Updates

Load Previous Notes and OASIS

Permissions for Load Previous Note Apply to New SN Notes and OASIS


When permissions to view previous notes are granted by the administrator, users will see the Previous Notes button available in the top right corner when editing the Skilled Nurse Visit Notes. When permissions are removed, the Previous Notes button will not be shown.



POC: Psychosocial Comments

Comments in the OASIS Psychosocial Assessment now shows in the Plan of Care Psychosocial Status box.


POC: Advanced Directives

When the Advanced Directive is updated with a living will and DNR from OASIS (i.e. changing answer from No to Yes and checking Living Will and DNR), the new information now flows to the Advanced Directives box on the Plan of Care.


Permissions: Schedule Sup. Visit

When permissions to schedule visits and activities is removed by the administrator, the clinician or nurse will not see the Schedule Supervisory Visit button. When permissions are added to schedule activities, the button is available.


OASIS: Opt Out of POC

New N/A (Do Not Create a Plan of Care)


Once the OASIS has passed the validation and is ready to be signed, a new option, N/A (Do not create a Plan of Care), is now available. If selected, the Plan of Care will not be created after the OASIS is successfully signed.


Note: The Plan of Care Profile can still be updated with any orders, goals, medical necessity, and homebound status. Also, the Plan of Care Summary will be updated as if a Plan of Care was created.


POC: Nutritional Requirements Box

Details or text information written in the OASIS Other (Diet) box will now flow into the Nutritional Requirements box on the Plan of Care.  


Health Insurance Claim (HIC) Number

The patient’s Health Insurance Claim (HIC) number is maintained and will always stay on the Plan of Care when flowing to/from QA Center.


POC: Emergency Preparedness

OASIS Medical Needs/Equipment details entered via the Emergency Preparedness button now flows to the Emergency Preparedness section on the Plan of Care.



Updated on 5/01/2018