
Vital Signs, Incident Log

SN Note: Vital Signs Options

The drop down for Route, Method and Pulse in Vital Signs section now has a blank/empty selection. This will allow clinician to clear or back out of the previous selection.


OASIS and SN Visit: Vital Signs

Vital Signs – O2 Saturation and Blood Pressure


In the Vital Signs section of the OASIS (Start of Care, Recertification, and Resumption of Care) and Skilled Nurse Visit, both percent (%) and millimeter of mercury (mmHg) units are displayed for the O2 Saturation and Blood Pressure, respectively.



SN Note: Incident Log

A new Add Incident Log box has been added to the Care Coordination section of the Skilled Nurse Visit Note. The clinician can easily access and create a new incident log from the visit note by selecting this new box. The new log can be found in the same list of all Incident Logs.




Updated on 5/07/2018