
OASIS-C2 Updates

OASIS-C2: Fluid Restriction

In the Plan of Care section of OASIS-C2 Nutrition tab, the Fluid Restriction requirement now includes an editable text box so clinicians can enter/edit restrictions.


OASIS-C2 Discharge: Braden Scale

Removal of Braden Scale and Nutrition Health Screen


Braden Scale (in Integumentary tab) and Nutrition Health Screen (in Nutrition tab) assessments/questions have been removed from the OASIS-C2 Discharge.


OASIS-C2 SOC: Diagnosis

OASIS-C2 now shows the Primary and Other Diagnosis code as entered in the Patient Charts (Edit).


OASIS-C2: Demographics

Demographics and Clinical Records


The OASIS Demographics and Clinical Records assessments/questions now display in a two-column page to improve reviewing the OASIS and reduce the number of printed pages.




Updated on 5/16/2018