
Home Health Solution Update

Report Center

Billing Batch Report Enhancement

The following enhancements/features have been added to the Billing Batch Report in the Report Center:

  • A new Date Range filter is added to provide ability to generate a report for a specified period.
  • The Final Claim Prospective Amount column (previously labelled as Claim Amount) now reflects the same billing Medicare Prospective Amount, which included LUPA adjustments and Therapy upcoding & downcoding.
  • The column previously Prospective Amount in the report is now shown as Episode Prospective Amount.
  • Any Managed Care claim will be shown as “N/A” in the Episode Prospective Amount column.

Accounts Receivable Roll Forward Report

The Patient Status column in the AR Roll Forward report now includes ALL patient statuses (Pending, Active, Discharge, Non-Admit & Blanks).

OASIS-C2 and Patient Charts

New Advance Directives Comment Box

Other Advance Directives, such as the DNR-CC, DNR-CCA, or POLST, in the OASIS or (Edit) Patient Profile can now be documented in the new editable Comment box, which is located under the Advance Directives tab. This text data entered in the new Other Advance Directive Comment box will populate in the Plan of Care (including print PDF).

New Patient: F2F Documentation

When creating a new patient in the Home Health solution, under the Demographics tab, the Track F2F Documentation request option is selected or checked as the default.  If Face-to-Face documentation tracking is not needed, the user can simply deselect or uncheck this option.

Patient Profile:  New Tool Tip

Attending Physician Contacted for Care Plan Oversight

In the New Referral form, New Patient form, Edit Patient Profile or Re-Admit Patient, a new tool tip is added to the “Attending Physician contacted and agreed to provide ongoing care (orders) for this patient” check box. The tool tip will provide clarifications relating to the Referring, Certifying and Attending physicians.

POC: View from SN Note

The Plan of Care is now available to view from the Skilled Nurse Visit Note as soon as the OASIS is signed, even when it is in pending QA approval. This enhancement allows the clinicians to have a Plan of Care to follow without waiting on the QA process.

Note: Clinicians need to be aware of possible change(s) in the Plan of Care during the QA process.

Updated on 5/18/2018