
Billing History Claim, Orders Management Updates

Medicare/Medicare HMO

Billing History Claim Update


For Medicare/Medicare HMO Billing History, a new option “Billed Date” has been added to RAP/Final billing claim Update Information screen. This new field allows the agency personnel to edit or update the claim billed date to have an accurate Account Receivable (AR) balance reflected on AR Month End or Roll Forward reports. The updated billed date will reflect on the RAP and Final’s “Billed Date” column.



Orders Management

Adding Internal Referral Source and Primary Insurance


Two new columns, Internal Referral Source and Payor (Primary Insurance), have been added to the following reports:

  • Orders Pending MD Signature (Orders Management)
  • Pending Orders Report (Report Center)


The data populating in the new Internal Referral Source column are pulled from Patient Profile (Edit Patient) for all current episodes. For non-active episodes, data will be pulled from the associated Admission Periods (in Patient Charts).


Note: If an internal referral is not available in the Patient Charts or Admission Form, then the Internal Referral Source will be shown blank for the correlated patient.


The Primary Insurance data populating in the new Payor column are pulled from the Manage Episode.



Survey Census (By Date Range) Report

County and Zip Code Columns


In the Report Center, the Survey Census Report now includes new County and zip code columns when exported in the Excel format. The data in these columns are pulled from Patient Profile (Edit Patient).


Note: Address Line 2 column now shows only the city and state.


Updated on 5/25/2018