
POC, Patient Profile Updates

POC Refresh Button in Medication Section

In the Medication section of the Plan of Care (POC), a new Refresh Medication button has been added. When refreshing the medication, the system will update the Plan of Care’s Medication section to show only current active medications from the patient medication profile (discontinued medications are removed).



Patient Profile

Representative Option in Additional Emergency Contact


In both Patient Profile and Referral screens, every Additional Emergency Contact now has the Representative options. Only one of two options can be selected: Legal Representative or Patient Selected Representative.


All Additional Emergency Contact’s Representative information will also be shown on the Patient Profile or Referral print PDF.







Supervisory Visit Bypass QA Option


When LVN/LPN Sup Visit is selected in the Clinical Manager Bypass QA option (in Managed Company Information), the LVN/LPN Supervisory Visit will not go to the QA Center; all completed LVN/LPN visits go to the QA Center.



Report Center

Default Status Change in Primary Insurance and Unduplicated Census Reports


The Census By Primary Insurance, Unduplicated Census Report by Start Of Care Date, and Unduplicated Census Report by Date Range Reports (in the Report Center) now have the status field default to All.





Default Status Change in Survey Census Report


The Survey Census Report (in the Report Center) now has the status field default to both Active and Discharged.  A user wanting to only see Active or Discharge patients may click on the scroll list to select/deselect appropriate status.




Physician Certification Statement


In the Summary of Care tab of OASIS-C2 Start of Care for PT, ST, and OT, the Physician Certification Statement (Certification for Skilled Care) in the Plan of Care Orders section now displays as follows:

  I certify that this patient is confined to his/her home and needs intermittent skilled services **SN, PT, ST, OT**. The patient is under my care, and I have authorized services on this plan of care and **will periodically review the plan/have coordinated with PCP, who will periodically review the plan**. The patient had a face-to-face encounter with an allowed provider type on **Date of F2F** OR **the encounter was related to the primary reason for home health care/I will see patient within the next 30 days to complete F2F requirement**.




Updated on 6/05/2018