
Supervisory Visit Updates

Perform Supervisory Visits in Clinical Note

All skilled nursing notes will provide access to perform Supervisory Visits using the Perform Supervisory Visit button.



Enhanced Supervisory Visit Forms


Enhanced Supervisory Visit forms will include exact language from the Medicare Conditions of Participation for HHA, LVN/LPN, PTA, and COTA Supervisory Visits.


Diabetic Care & Wound Management

Agencies that demonstrate improved documentation for LVN/LPN care delivery will have access to additional measures allowing the RN case manager to assess Diabetic Care and Wound Management.

Time Field

To correspond with the Medicare Conditions of Participation, some accrediting bodies now require the time and date a document is completed to appear on medical records. An additional time field will be placed next to the date field on clinical notes to meet the accreditation body regulatory requirements. This field can be enabled by selecting the Admin tab>Manage Company Information>Clinical tab>Select Enable under Require Time Entry for Documentation.


Therapist License Number

Additional regulatory requirements in certain states (e.g., Ohio) now require the license number of therapists to be adjacent to their signatures on clinical documents. Agencies will now have the ability to enable this feature by selecting the Admin tab>Manage Company Information>Clinical tab>Select Enable under Require Therapist License Number with Signature.




Updated on 9/12/2018