
OASIS-C2 Updates


Format Updates – The OASIS-C2 print format now features a cleaner, more organized layout for easier review. Succinct, streamlined sections allow less scrolling, greater QA efficiency, and a more user-friendly experience when printing/reviewing OASIS-C2 documentation.



Relationship to Insured Field

When editing or admitting a patient, the Relationship to Insured field is now required (under the Payor tab) anytime a patient’s primary insurance is not a Medicare payor. Attempts to continue or save and exit without completing the Relationship to Insured field will alert the user to complete the field before proceeding. This update will prevent possible errors from occurring during claims submission.



The Relationship to Insured drop-down menu provides the following options:

  • Spouse
  • Self
  • Child
  • Employee
  • Unknown
  • Organ Donor
  • Cadaver Donor
  • Life Partner
  • Other


If any option other than Self is selected, fields appear for Insured First Name* (required), Insured MI (optional), and Insured Last Name* (required).



Visits By Status Report

The Visits By Status Report (under Schedule Reports in the Report Center) now includes a Payor column, where each patient’s payor is populated.



A Visit Type filter has also been added to this report. Under the Visit Status filter, users can now select from the Visit Type drop-down menu to filter by visit type when generating the Visits By Status report.




Updated on 10/10/2018