
Admission Type/Visit Codes

Axxess Home Health now includes a Type of Admission/Visit Code field in patient charts at admission. This field enables users to identify the type and priority of inpatient admissions associated with services on intermediary-submitted claims.

Using this field, agencies can streamline admission processes and seamlessly fulfill home health billing requirements for continued compliance.

To identify the type and priority of an inpatient admission, select an option from the Type of Admission/Visit Code drop-down menu.

Create tab ➜ New➜ Referral ➜ Type of Admission/Visit Code

Select one of the following types of admission:

Code   Description
Emergency    This code identifies patients who required immediate medical intervention as a result of severe, life-threatening or potentially disabling conditions. In general, patients in this category are admitted through the emergency room.  
Urgent   This code identifies patients who required immediate attention for the care and treatment of a physical or mental disorder. In general, patients in this category are admitted to the first available and suitable accommodation.  
Elective   This code identifies patients whose condition permitted adequate time to schedule according to availability of suitable accommodations.  
Newborn   This code necessitates the use of special codes in the source of admission.  
Unknown   This code indicates the type of admission is unknown/not available.  

The type of admission/visit code automatically flows from the referral to the appropriate claims, so agencies can easily stay compliant when processing and submitting claims.

Updated on 6/09/2020