
Case Manager Role Updates

The user roles in Axxess Home Health now directly align with §484.105 (c) in the CMS Home Health Conditions of Participation, which defines the role of Clinical Manager as one or more qualified individuals who provide oversight of all patient care services and personnel.

When a user is assigned the Case Manager role in Axxess Home Health, the user will now see only patients for whom they have been scheduled to provide case management services.

Users with Clinical Manager or Director of Nursing roles will still be able to see all patients in the organization.

Axxess defines these roles as outlined in the following table:

Director of Nursing: Provides oversight for all patients. May also be the Clinical Manager in smaller organizations.


Clinical Manager: Provides oversight for a particular group of patients.


Case Manager: Has direct patient contact and is responsible for case management services.


Updated on 04/01/2021