
COVID-19 Immunization Logs

Axxess Home Health now enables users to document COVID-19 vaccinations in patients’ immunization profiles. From a patient’s chart or OASIS/non-OASIS assessment, users can navigate to the patient’s immunization profile to document administration of COVID-19 vaccines.

This functionality enables organizations keep patients and staff safe by monitoring immunizations and easily identifying which patients have been vaccinated for COVID-19.

Add COVID-19 Immunization From Patient Chart

To add a COVID-19 immunization to a patient’s immunization profile, navigate to the patient’s chart and select Immunization Profile from the Quick Reports menu. On the Immunization Profile screen, click Add Immunization.

Patients tab ➜ Patient Charts ➜ Quick Reports ➜ Immunization Profile ➜ Add Immunization

In the Immunization Log Information window, select COVID-19 from the Type of Immunization menu. If the patient is receiving the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, select COVID-19, Second Dose.

Select the user/facility who administered the vaccine, enter the date it was administered and click Save to finish adding the immunization to the patient’s immunization profile.

Add COVID-19 Immunization From Assessment

Users can also add immunizations from the Risk Assessment tab in an OASIS or non-OASIS assessment. To add an immunization from an assessment, navigate to the Immunization Log section on the Risk Assessment tab and click Add Immunization.

OASIS/non-OASIS ➜ Risk Assessment tab ➜ Immunization Log section ➜ Add Immunization

In the Immunization Log Information window, select COVID-19 from the Type of Immunization menu. If the patient is receiving the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, select COVID-19, Second Dose.

Select the user/facility who administered the vaccine, enter the date it was administered and click Save & Exit to finish adding the immunization to the patient’s immunization profile.

Updated on 01/20/2021