
Days Since Last Visit Report

Axxess Home Health now provides a Days Since Last Visit report that enables users to view the length of time that has elapsed since the last visit for any discipline. This report streamlines operations and facilitates compliance by helping organizations efficiently manage missed visits.

To access the Days Since Last Visit report, navigate to the Report Center under the Reports tab. In the Schedule Reports section, select Days Since Last Visit.

Reports tab ➜ Report Center ➜ Schedule Reports ➜ Days Since Last Visit

This report generates data regarding the last billable visit the patient has received for any discipline (SN, PT,OT, ST, MSW or Aide) within one of the following selected time frames:

Last 14 Days


Last 30 Days


Last 45 Days


Last 60 Days


>60 Days


The report does not include visits in the following statuses: Missed, Not Yet Started, Not Yet Due, Created. It also does not include OASIS/Non-OASIS Transfer or OASIS Non-Visit Discharge forms.

When there is more than one visit on the same day, the system will report visits in the following order of disciplines: SN, PT, OT, ST, HHA, MSW.

Updated on 03/10/2021