

Axxess Home Health now provides an HHRG/LUPA Report that consolidates data from the old HHRG Report and LUPA Report.

The new HHRG/LUPA Report is an episodic report with HHRG, HIPPS and LUPA analytics. This report can be generated in a summary or detailed format for seamless financial planning and operations.

To access the HHRG/LUPA Report, users must have permission to view billing/financial reports in Axxess Home Health.

Request HHRG/LUPA Report

To generate the HHRG/LUPA Report, navigate to the Report Center under the Reports tab. In the Billing/Financial Reports section, select HHRG/LUPA Report. Enter the desired parameters using the filters at the top of the screen and click Request Report.

Reports tab ➜ Report Center ➜ Billing/Financial Reports ➜ HHRG/LUPA Report ➜ Enter parameters ➜ Request Report

The system will alert you through the Message Center when the report is finished generating. To view the report, navigate to the Reports tab and select Completed Reports.

Reports tab ➜ Completed Reports

Click on the name of the report to open it. The report will open in an Excel spreadsheet.

Summary Report

The Report Type filter at the top of the report enables users to select Summary or Detailed. When Summary is selected, the following data will populate in the report:






Displays the name of the payer associated with the episode  


Payer Type


Displays the payer type identified when establishing the payer




Identifies which branch the patient is affiliated with


Patient Name


Displays the patient’s last name, first name and middle initial


Patient Status


Displays the patient’s status as of the date the report is generated




Displays the medical record number (MRN) from the patient’s profile 


Episode Timing


Displays Early or Late based on the episode timing identified in the OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis 


Episode Start Date


Displays the start date of the episode 


Episode End Date


Displays the end date of the episode 


Claim Start Date


Displays the start date of the claim/billing period


Claim End Date


Displays the end date of the claim/billing period


Claim Period


Displays First or Second based on whether the claim period falls within the first or second half of the episode


Billed HIPPS Code


Displays the billed HIPPS code identified on the UB-04/HCFA-1500




Displays the OASIS HIPPS code established in the most recent OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis for the claim period 


OASIS Claim Period Revenue


Displays the OASIS claim period revenue as established in the most recent OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis for the claim period 


Actual HIPPS Code


Displays the actual HIPPS code calculated during verification of the final claim


Actual Claim Period Revenue


Displays the actual claim period revenue calculated during verification of the final claim


LUPA Claim


Displays Yes or No based on whether the final claim turned the claim period into a LUPA
(If the final claim has not been verified, the value will be N/A)


LUPA Threshold


Displays the LUPA threshold established in the OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis 


Total Billed Visits


Displays the total number of billed visits selected/calculated during verification of the final claim


LUPA Amount


Displays the LUPA amount selected/calculated during verification of the final claim


Detailed Report

When Detailed is selected in the Report Type filter, the following data will populate in the report:






Displays the name of the payer associated with the episode  


Payer Type


Displays the payer type identified when establishing the payer




Identifies which branch the patient is affiliated with


Patient Name


Displays the patient’s last name, first name and middle initial


Patient Status


Displays the patient’s status as of the date the report is generated




Displays the medical record number (MRN) from the patient’s profile 


Insurance ID Number


Displays the payer’s insurance ID number identified in the Schedule Center or patient’s profile


Admission Date


Displays the admission date identified in the patient’s profile


Admission Source


Displays Institutional or Community based on the admission source established in the OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis


Discharge Date


Displays the patient’s discharge date identified in the Schedule Center


Episode Timing


Displays Early or Late based on the episode timing identified in the OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis 


Episode Start Date


Displays the start date of the episode 


Episode End Date


Displays the end date of the episode 


Claim Start Date


Displays the start date of the claim/billing period


Claim End Date


Displays the end date of the claim/billing period


Claim Period


Displays First or Second based on whether the claim period falls within the first or second half of the episode


Original Schedule Frequency


Displays the first/initial frequency identified when completing the OASIS documentation 


Completed SN Visits


Displays the total number of SN visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed LVN/LPN Visits


Displays the total number of LVN/LPN visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed PT Visits


Displays the total number of PT visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed PTA Visits


Displays the total number of PTA visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed OT Visits


Displays the total number of OT visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed COTA Visits


Displays the total number of COTA visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed ST Visits


Displays the total number of ST visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed HHA Visits


Displays the total number of HHA visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed MSW Visits


Displays the total number of MSW visits completed in the Schedule Center


Completed Other Visits


Displays the total number of other visits completed in the Schedule Center (i.e., visits that are outside the noted disciples, including Respiratory Therapy [RT], Wound Ostomy Care Nurse [WOCN], etc.) 


Total Completed Visits


Displays the total number of visits completed in the Schedule Center
(sum of columns R-AA)


Billed HIPPS Code


Displays the billed HIPPS code identified on the UB-04/HCFA-1500




Displays the OASIS HIPPS code established in the most recent OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis for the claim period 


OASIS Claim Period Revenue


Displays the OASIS claim period revenue as established in the most recent OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis for the claim period 


Actual HIPPS Code


Displays the actual HIPPS code calculated during verification of the final claim


Actual Claim Period Revenue


Displays the actual claim period revenue calculated during verification of the final claim


LUPA Claim


Displays Yes or No based on whether the final claim turned the claim period into a LUPA
(If the final claim has not been verified, the value will be N/A)


LUPA Threshold


Displays the LUPA threshold established in the OASIS Profile Case-Mix Analysis 


Total Billed Visits


Displays the total number of billed visits selected/calculated during verification of the final claim


LUPA Amount


Displays the LUPA amount selected/calculated during verification of the final claim


RAP Billed Date


Displays the RAP billed date identified in Billing/Claims History


RAP Claim Amount


Displays the RAP claim amount identified in Billing/Claims History


RAP Payment Date


Displays the RAP payment date identified in Billing/Claims History


RAP Payment Amount


Displays the RAP payment amount identified in Billing/Claims History


RAP Net Adjustment Date


Displays the latest adjustment date identified in Billing/Claims History


RAP Net Adjustment Amount


Displays the net adjustments posted for the claim


Final Billed Date


Displays the final billed date identified in Billing/Claims History


Final Claim Amount


Displays the final claim amount identified in Billing/Claims History


Final Payment Date


Displays the final payment date identified in Billing/Claims History


Final Payment Amount


Displays the final payment amount identified in Billing/Claims History


Final Net Adjustment Date


Displays the latest adjustment date identified in Billing/Claims History


Final Net Adjustment Amount


Displays the net adjustments posted for the claim


Updated on 01/27/2021