
ICD-10-CM Code Updates

Axxess Home Health now includes updated ICD-10-CM codes taking effect October 1, 2020. The list of groupable diagnoses taking effect in October includes 256 new diagnoses spread across seven clinical groups, most of which fall under the MMTA-Other group.

533 diagnoses have been removed from the list and will no longer be groupable. These include T codes related to underdosing, diagnoses that lack specificity and diagnoses that are unlikely to be seen under Medicare.

For complete lists of groupable and ungroupable diagnoses beginning in October, click on the resources below, or visit the PDGM Success Resources page, our PDGM Resource Center or our recent blog explaining the upcoming changes impacting you.

Ungroupable Primary Diagnoses Effective October 2020

Click to download a list of primary diagnosis that will not generate a grouping beginning October 1, 2020.

Ungroupable Primary Diagnoses

Groupable Primary Diagnoses Effective October 2020

Click to download a list of primary diagnoses that will generate a clinical grouping beginning October 1, 2020.

Groupable Primary Diagnoses

Formerly Groupable Primary Diagnoses

Click to download a list of primary diagnoses that are no longer groupable as of October 1, 2020.

Formerly Groupable Primary Diagnoses

New Groupable Primary Diagnoses as of October 2020

Click to download a list of primary diagnoses that are groupable as of October 1, 2020.

New Groupable Primary Diagnoses

Updated on 9/24/2020