
Immunization Log Updates

Axxess Home Health now enables users to document key details related to the administration of COVID-19 vaccines in patients’ immunization profiles.

From a patient’s immunization profile, users can identify the type of COVID-19 vaccine administered (single dose, first dose or second dose), the manufacturer of the COVID-19 vaccine, and other important details related to the administration of the vaccine.

By enabling users to thoroughly document information related to COVID-19 vaccines administered, this enhancement helps organizations streamline operations and maintain patient and staff safety throughout the pandemic and onward.

Access the Immunization Profile

When documenting a Skilled Nurse Visit Note in Axxess Home Health Mobile, navigate to the Supplemental Documents section at the bottom of the screen and select Immunization Log to open the patient’s immunization profile.

SN Visit Note ➜ Supplemental Documents ➜ Immunization Log

To add a new immunization to the patient’s immunization profile, click Add Immunization.

COVID-19 Immunization Types

In the Add Immunization window, the following COVID-19 immunization types are now available in the Type of Immunization menu:

COVID-19, Single Dose


COVID-19, First Dose


COVID-19, Second Dose


After selecting the immunization type, complete the remaining fields, including the vaccine manufacturer.

Type of Immunization: COVID-19, Single Dose/COVID-19, First Dose/COVID-19, Second Dose


Who Administered


Manufacturer: AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer, Unknown


Date Administered


Comorbid Condition Present: Yes/No


This information will flow to the Immunization Report in the Report Center and to the patient’s chart under Quick Reports.

Updated on 06/03/2021