
Payroll Export Center Updates

The Payroll Export Center has been enhanced to optimize ease of use and enable more detailed payroll reports and export files with total accuracy. Additionally, label changes provide greater clarity of certain components in the Payroll Export Center. The Payroll Export Center enables users to streamline operations with the ability to generate multiple data points in one click.

The following Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) components have been added to the Additional Columns drop-down menu:

EVV Time: This data populates from the Verified Visit Log and flows to the Payroll Export Center. If the Adjusted Time and Verified Time are both provided in the log, the Adjusted Time populates in the Payroll Export Center. Otherwise, the available time generates. Since these components generate using electronic verification, they are not editable.

EVV Hours: This field automatically calculates based on the EVV time. The EVV time is converted to payroll hours.

All Columns: Selecting this option generates all available additional columns at once.

The Exported toggle, headers, and report data labels in the Payroll Export Center have been revised to provide greater clarity.

Exported has been renamed to Exported/Paid, as a reminder that visits in this section should be paid to the respective employees by the time they appear here.

Updated on 11/27/2019