
Personnel Notes

Organizations in Axxess Home Health can now enter and track personnel notes. Personnel notes allow organizations to document information that will help evaluate staff.

Ways to Access and Use Personnel Notes

Once Add/Edit/Delete Personnel Notes – Managed Personnel Notes is selected, the user then has the ability to access and update personnel notes on users profiles.

To access a new Personnel Note, navigate to the Admin tab, hover over New and select Personnel Note.

Admin ➜ New ➜ Personnel Note

When accessing a new Personnel Note, users must select the employee’s name, enter in the Type of Note and add any additional comments. Options after completing the template are Save, Save & Add Another and Cancel.

To access a New Note, navigate to the Admin section, hover over Lists, select Users, locate a user, select Edit, navigate to the Personnel Notes tab and click New Note.

Admin ➜ Lists ➜ Users ➜ Locate User/New User ➜ Edit ➜ Personnel Notes ➜ New Note

Once in the new Personnel Note tab of the User profile, users can select the Type of Note and add any additional comments.

Upon saving a new Personnel Note, a message confirming the successful addition of the note will appear.

To view a staff member’s Personnel Notes, users with permission can access the list from the Personnel Notes tab. Notes are sorted by earliest to latest. Actions allow the user with permissions to edit or delete Personnel Notes.

Admin ➜ Lists ➜ Users ➜ Locate User ➜ Edit ➜ Personnel Notes

In the Actions section, users can only edit and delete notes that they created themselves.

Users with permission to add Personnel Notes are restricted from entering Personnel Notes on their own user record and will receive a warning message.

Personnel Note Types:







Disciplinary Action


Doctor’s Note/Illness




Late Documentation


Patient Complaint


Performance Evaluation





Updated on 09/24/2021