
Report Center Enhancements

The Report Center in Axxess Home Health has been enhanced to give users greater ease of use and optimal efficiency. The reports in each section now appear in alphabetical order so users can find specific reports quickly and easily.

In addition, several old reports have been updated with a banner that tells users where to find optimized versions that pull more information at a faster speed. Since newer versions of these reports are available, the outdated reports (10 total) will be removed in the coming months.

All reports are currently still accessible from the Report Center screen, so users have ample time to start using the latest versions before transitioning completely (e.g., switching from the HHRG report to the HHRG PDGM report).

Alphabetized Report Sections

Reports now appear alphabetically in each section of the Report Center, so users can find specific reports quickly and easily.

Updated Report Versions

Several old reports (10 total) now include a banner that indicates where to find the newest available report versions. The optimized report versions pull more information at a faster speed and provide the most up-to-date data as it relates to PDGM. For example, a banner at the top of the HHRG report instructs users to start using the HHRG PDGM report to access the most up-to-date HHRG data.

This alert is also included in the description when hovering over an old report. The following example shows the description for the PPS RAP Claims Needed report, which directs users to the Billing Center for the quickest, most up-to-date RAP claims data.

Since newer versions of these reports are available, the outdated reports will be removed in the coming months. They have been removed from the main Report Center screen but are currently still accessible in the system, so users have ample time to start using the updated versions without experiencing any operational delays or interruptions.

To access the old reports, navigate to the Report Center and click the link in the banner at the top of the screen.

Reports that have been removed from the main Report Center screen, and are now only accessible from the above link, include:

Earned and Unearned Revenue


Earned Revenue (1/60 Method)


HHRG Report


Low Utilization Payment Adjustment Report (LUPA)


Medicare/Medicare HMO Aged Accounts Receivable


Medicare/Medicare HMO Aged AR Expanded


PPS Final Claims Needed


PPS RAP Claims Needed


Managed Care Aged Accounts Receivable


Managed Care Claims Accounts Receivable


Updated on 9/03/2020