
Telehealth Visit Note

Telehealth is emerging as a way to complete visits and help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The CARES Act encourages the use of telehealth in home healthcare but does not provide Medicare reimbursement for this equipment.

Telehealth visit notes are available in Axxess Home Health for the following disciplines:

Skilled Nursing (SN)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Speech Therapy (ST)

Telehealth visits default to payable, but not billable. The telehealth visit note looks similar to the current skilled visit note, but a new Telehealth Assessment section appears on the note. The travel information and G-Code menu in the SN visit note do not appear on the telehealth visit note, since this data is not applicable to telehealth visits.

Vital Signs During Telehealth

Vital signs collected during a telehealth visit appear in the Vital Signs Chart under Quick Reports in the Patient Chart.

Patients tab ➜ Patient Charts ➜ Quick Reports for This Patient ➜ Vital Signs Chart

Telehealth Assessment

Users can select the visit type in the Telehealth Assessment section of the visit note. Select which of the following visit types is being administered:

  • Televisit (Two-Way Communication)
  • Telephone Monitoring

Select the patient’s diseases to document their respective processes. Selecting a disease process will populate editable text for documenting the respective disease process. Edit the text with patient-specific information as appropriate.

  • COVID-19
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Failure
  • Therapy
  • Other

Updated on 4/17/2020