
Visit Export Report (HHAeXchange)

Effective July 1, HHAeXchange will require Axxess Home Health organizations in Florida and Pennsylvania to transition from the current EDI Export Report to the new Visit Export Report.

To initiate the transition, contact HHAeXchange at edisupport@hhaexchange.com and indicate your intent to begin using the Visit Export Report V5 for EVV submissions. HHAeXchange will respond with details on how to submit your V5 files.

To generate the Visit Export Report in Axxess Home Health, organizations must add HHAeXchange as an EVV vendor in Company Setup. For instructions on adding HHAeXchange as a vendor, click here.

EVV Reports Permission

To generate the Visit Export Report, users must have permission to access electronic visit verification reports in Axxess Home Health.

To give a user permission to access EVV reports, edit the user’s profile and navigate to the Permissions tab. In the Reporting section, select Access Electronic Visit Verification Reports and click Save.

People tab ➜ Users ➜ ➜ Permissions tab ➜ Reporting ➜ Access Electronic Visit Verification Reports ➜ Save

Generate the Visit Export Report

To generate the Visit Export Report, navigate to the Report Center under the Reports tab. Scroll to the Electronic Visit Verification Reports section in the bottom-right corner of the Report Center and select Visit Export Report (HHAeXchange) V5.

Select the desired parameters at the top of the screen and click Request Report.

The system will alert you through the Message Center when the report has finished generating. To view the report, navigate to the Reports tab and select Completed Reports.

Reports tab ➜ Completed Reports

The V5 report includes the following required fields for successful uploads to HHAeXchange:

Caregiver Registry ID


Diagnosis Code


Total Billed Amount


Units Billed


Billed Rate


Follow HHAeXchange’s file submission process to upload the report. Review and ensure task rate HCPCS and modifier codes align with the payer’s specifications.

Updated on 05/16/2022