Watch Axxess Home Health training videos on demand.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for logging in and managing your account in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the dashboard in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Message Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Home tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the PDGM Dashboard in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the PDGM Modeling Tool in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the PDGM Resource Center and PDGM Revenue Impact Analysis in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Create tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing facilities in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing pharmacies in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up payers in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding new physicians in Axxess Home Health and using the Axxess physician portal.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing physicians in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing contacts in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the View tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for viewing a complete list of your organization’s patients in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing tags in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing templates in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing supplies in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Patients tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Pre-Claim Review Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Schedule tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Axxess CARE tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Billing tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Admin tab and People tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding new users and granting user permissions and roles in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing adjustment codes in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing documents in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing custom notes in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for enabling the Wound Manager in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Reports tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Help tab in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for submitting a ticket in the Support Ticketing Center.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding a referral, managing your referrals list and generating referral reports in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for admitting a new patient and managing pending admissions in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for managing physician face-to-face encounters in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding referral documents to a pending admission in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for generating the Admissions report in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the non-admission process and reports in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing authorizations in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Schedule Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for using the Manage Episode feature in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for scheduling single and daily visits in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for scheduling multiple visits in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for marking a visit as PRN in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for creating new episodes in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Episode Manager in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Schedule Manager tab in the Schedule Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the schedule reports in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for scheduling unassigned visits in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for generating the Upcoming Recerts and Past Due Recerts reports in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of our home health scheduling and staffing solution, Axxess CARE.
This training video provides an overview of the Clinician Planner in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the My Schedule/Tasks screens in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the My Monthly Calendar screens in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for co-signing notes in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting and monitoring patient infections in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting patient incidents in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for generating the Infection Surveillance Report in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for generating the Missed Visits report in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Hospitalization History screen in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the patient charts in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting patients’ allergies in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting patients’ medications in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting patients’ immunizations in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting infections, screening for COVID-19 and generating real-time infection control reports in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding, viewing, editing, deleting and exporting preadmission and communication notes in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for managing patient orders and care plans in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the plan of care summaries and episode summaries in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for reviewing and exporting patients’ vital signs in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for printing a patient’s triage classification and restoring deleted tasks in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for changing a patient’s status in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for changing a patient’s focus of care in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding physician orders in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting an OASIS in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Wound Manager in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding wound care orders in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for deactivating and reactivating wounds in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for interpreting historical wound data in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for completing a skilled nurse visit note in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for completing a therapy assessment/evaluation in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting subsequent therapy notes in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding a home health aide care plan from a patient’s chart, visit note or OASIS assessment in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the home health aide visit notes in Axxess Home Health, including how to view the patient’s aide care plan, how to complete the required HHA tasks documented in the HHA care plan and how to add coordination notes.
This training video provides an overview of the Axxess Home Health mobile application.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for completing visit documentation in the Axxess Home Health mobile app.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for documenting missed visits in the Axxess Home Health mobile app.
This training video provides an overview of the patient charts in the Axxess Home Health mobile app.
This training video provides an overview of the Quality Assurance Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for approving tasks in the Quality Assurance Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for returning documents in the Quality Assurance Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for deleting and restoring documents in the Quality Assurance Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the OASIS analysis feature in the Quality Assurance Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Orders Management screens in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for managing the OASIS export process in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Billing Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for billing Medicare claims in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for billing managed care claims in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for posting payments manually from the Pending Claims screen in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for interpreting historical claims data in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the month-end close reports in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Medicare/Medicare HMO reports in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the managed care reports in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the billing/financial reports for all payers in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Axxess DDE platform.
This training video provides an overview of the Axxess RCM platform.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding and managing user pay rates in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for adding, editing and deleting non-visit activity in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Payroll Export Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides an overview of the Payroll Detail Summary report in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up company information for your organization in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s subscription plan in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s clinical preferences in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s scheduling preferences in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s operational preferences in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s billing preferences in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s financial preferences in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s payroll preferences in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s integration preferences in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s electronic visit verification preferences in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your organization’s super-user preferences for the Support Ticketing Center in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for posting remittance payments in Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for transitioning patients from previous software systems or paper documentation to Axxess Home Health.
This training video provides step-by-step instructions for completing home health aide visit documentation in the Axxess Home Health mobile app.
This training video provides an overview of the Payroll Summary in Axxess Home Health.