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Add and View Client Documents



*This instructs how to upload and view client documents not associated to a particular task.  Examples include referral information, lab results, and client consents.


To add a document to a client's chart Clients->Client Center->Select Client


Locate and select the client from the client list.  The Documents menu contains two sub-menus: Upload and View.

Selecting Upload Document opens a light box window titled Upload Document which allows the user to attach a document to the client chart.  It contains three required completion fields: Document Name, Upload Type and a document attachment field.

To view existing client documents select View Documents from the Documents Menu.

Options available within this window include viewing; editing or deleting.

To View the document the user clicks on the Document Name hyperlink which then presents the standard open/save dialog box.  The user may choose to either save the document or open it for viewing.

To alter document details select Edit from the Actions Column.

Edit allows the user to make alterations to the document name and upload type.

A new Document may be added from this page via the Add Document button.4

This concludes the tutorial on Adding/Viewing Client Chart Documents.