
Paraprofessional Care Plan


Creating a Non-Skilled Care Plan


Two types of paraprofessional care plans exist within Axxess HomeCare.  Both care plan types are available for selection when creating agency documents in Manage Company Information-Document Management.


Custom Note Types (Care Plan/Note):  Displays task specific items for the caregiver to complete during the shift. There is no need for the caregiver to review the care plan as the task list pulls directly from the care plan.


Standard Note Types (Traditional Care Plan/Note): Displays a complete list of tasks.  The caregiver reviews the care plan to view what needs to be completed for the client.


Locating a Scheduled Task


There are several ways to open a note for completion.  The initial outlined path is from the schedule center.  Additional paths will be included at the end of the tutorial.


Schedule-Schedule Center-Client: Locate the client and either:


  • Hover over the task to display the icon bar and select the paper and pencil to open the Custom Care Plan.





Select List Tasks and Click on the Task Link to open the Care Plan:



Custom Care Plan Creation

Client Name and Care Period Details populates at the top of the note.

Visit Details

  • Previous Notes: (Permission Based feature) Provides the ability to load a previous completed Care Plan and make appropriate changes necessary to this care plan.
  • Allergies: Client allergies will flow into this section if entered the Client Medical Profile. The Clinician/Paraprofessional can also add additional or edit the Allergies if needed.


Vital Sign Parameters

  • Enter the vital sign parameters appropriate for the client (Agency Protocol or Client Physician Orders). Select N/A if not applicable for the client.  The selection of N/A will collapse the section. Information entered will display as view only in the associated paraprofessional note.


Safety Precautions/Functional Limitations/Activities Permissions

  • Indicate any Safety Precautions/ Functional Limitations/Activities Permitted specific for the client. Select N/A if the section is not applicable to the client. These sections flow over as view only in the associated paraprofessional note.



Daily Living Tasks


The Custom Daily Living Task List is created by the Agency in the Manage Company Information. (See Manage Company Information Tutorial: Daily Living Tasks for more information on creating the daily living task list) The task list pulls into the Custom Care Plan for selection.


Tasks selected on the Custom Care Plan pull directly into the Custom Visit Note for the Paraprofessional level staff to complete.

  • Indicate the appropriate tasks to be performed for the client. Client specific instructions may be added for each task.
  • Select if the task needs to be done for all shifts (if multiple shifts per day) or a shift timeframe (the task will appear on all shifts that overlaps the timeframe entered).
  • See examples below of Daily Living Tasks within the Custom Care Plan…. keep in mind your agency list may vary based on the clientele served.





  • Add any additional comments about the client or client condition that the caregiver staff should be aware of. The Load Template provides the ability to pull in agency custom notes as applicable.


Electronic Signature and Date

  • Sign and Date the Document (using signature password) and select the Complete when everything is documented.
  • Save your Document if you are in the process of completing the note and need to navigate away from the document for any length of time.
  • Save & Exit your Document if you need to exit the document and finish at a later point. This places the Custom Care Plan in a “Saved” Status and if a custom note associated to this care plan is opened the paraprofessional staff will see the items saved to the care plan.




Potential Warnings


Axxess HomeCare provides a set of warnings to staff when a custom note type is opened and an associated custom care plan hasn’t been scheduled or completed.


No Associated Care Plan: Indicates an associated care plan either hasn’t been scheduled or started for the client.  It directs the caregiver to contact the office to complete a care plan.


No Daily Living Tasks: If a care plan exists in a saved or completed status without any daily living tasks associated the caregiver will see a No Daily Living tasks message.


Standard Care Plan Creation


Client Name and Care Period Details populates at the top of the note.


Visit Details

  • Associated Care Period: Select the care period the plan is associated to.
  • Previous Notes: (Permission Based feature) Provides the ability to load a previous completed Care Plan and make appropriate changes necessary to this care plan.
  • Allergies: Client allergies will flow into this section if entered the Client Medical Profile. The Clinician/Paraprofessional can also add additional or edit the Allergies if needed.


Frequency and Diet

Option to enter the frequency of services and diet restrictions.


Vital Sign Parameters

Enter any applicable vital sign parameters as needed for the client.  Select N/A to indicate vitals are not applicable for the client.


Safety Precautions/Functional Limitations/Activities Permitted

Select all appropriate client related safety precautions, functional limitations and activities permitted.  Select N/A if the section is not applicable for the client.



Plan Details

Using the drop down selection, indicate whether the care task is not applicable, may be completed per client/patient request, every week or every visit. Caregivers review the care plan to see tasks to complete and update on their note.



  • Add any additional comments about the client or client condition that the caregiver staff should be aware of. The Load Template provides the ability to pull in agency custom notes as applicable.
  • Indicate if the care plan has been reviewed with caregiver staff and client.


Electronic Signature and Date

  • Sign and Date the Document (using signature password) and select the Complete when everything is documented.
  • Save your Document if you are in the process of completing the note and need to navigate away from the document for any length of time.
  • Save & Exit your Document if you need to exit the document and finish at a later point.


Alternate Ways to locate the Scheduled Care Plan:

Dashboard-My Schedule Tasks: Clicking on the Task Link will navigate directly into the Custom Care Plan to begin completion.


Clients-Client Center: Find and select the task link associated to the Care Plan for the Date of Service and begin completing the Care Plan for your Client.