
Communication Note


The ability to create a communication note for a client is available from within the client chart.  To create from the client

chart the user selects:


Client Chart –> Create –> Communication Note


The client’s name automatically pulls into the document.


The Care Period contains a drop-down list of the client’s care periods.


The date defaults to the current date and may be updated as needed.


Physician information may be added to the communication if relevant.


Enter a subject line to describe the communication.  The subject line displays in the client’s communication list to assist

with identifying notes.


Document the content of the communication in the Communication Text field.  Templates may be created for standard

communication documents allowing the user to select the template verbiage for population


The send note as a message feature allows the user to send a copy of the communication to other agency staff as an

email within Axxess HomeCare.  Simply type the username you wish to attach or a tag grouping.  Please see using tags

within the system tutorial for additional information on using tags within the system.


The user has three options:

1.  Save: Saves the information entered into the documentation and places note into the users My Scheduled Task list

for future completion.

2.  Complete: Finishes the document and sends to the QA Center for review and approval. All required fields must be

completed in order for AgencyCore to allow completion.

3.  Cancel: Closes the document without saving and takes the user back to the prior screen.


The second path a user may create a new communication note is via the Create->New->Communication Note.  Using

this path requires selection of the client from the client drop-down list.  Once selected the episode information will be available.


To view completed communication notes for a client go to the Client->Quick Reports


The communication note list page may be sorted by care period, filtered by subject line text.


Results contain the User who created the note, the Subject Line of the note, the Note Date, Status of the Note, Print Icon

(allows viewing/printing of the Note).


Action Items (Permission based) includes Edit/Delete.


Additional Items include the ability to Add a New Communication Note, Export to Excel


This concludes the Creating and Viewing Client Communication Notes tutorial.  Please view other tutorials in the Clinical

section for additional information on completing client-related documents.