
Intake / Scheduling FAQs

How do I edit client information?

The First way to edit Client information is:

  1. Hover over Clients tab in the main menu
  2. From the sub menu select Client Center
  3. In the client list on the left enter your clients name in the Find box
  4. Click on the client’s name
  5. Viewing the client’s chart, there is an Edit link at the right edge of the client photo
  6. Click the Edit button
  7. Edit information in chart
  8. Remember to Save changes prior to exiting the chart



The Second way to edit Client information is:

  1. Hover over View in the main menu
  2. From the sub-menu select Lists
  3. Choose Clients
  4. Here you can type the client name in the Filter by Text field at the top
  5. When the name appears click on the Edit hyperlink in the action column
  6. Edit the client information
  7. Remember to Save changes prior to exiting the chart


How do I re-admit a discharged client?

  1. Go to Clients Tab
  2. Select Client Center
  3. On the left, filter the Client Status to Discharged to find the client you want to re-admit and select the client when found.
  4. Click on the Re-Admit button located in the demographics area of the client’s chart
  5. Enter and verify the information presented
  6. Click Re-Admit


How do I view discharged client records?

  1. Go to the Clients tab
  2. Choose Client Charts
  3. On the left, filter the Client Status Discharged to find the client you want
  4. Select the client when found


How do I admit a prior non-admit?

  1. Go to Clients Tab
  2. Choose Non Admissions
  3. Locate the client and select Admit
  4. The client admit page will display for completion
  5. Once all information is entered/verified select Admit activate the client
  6. Select Save to move the client to pending admission


How do I add a new care period?

  1. Go to the Schedule tab
  2. Select the Schedule Center
  3. On the left, use the filter or search options to find the client you want to add a new care period for and select the client when found
  4. Along the top of the Schedule Center, select Care Period then, New Care Period
  5. A new window will pop up allowing you to add and verify the new care period information
  6. Save


How do I edit care period information?

  1. Go to the Schedule tab
  2. Select the Schedule Center
  3. On the left, use the filter or search options to find the client you want to edit care period information for and select the client when found
  4. In the client schedule, go to Care Period and choose List Periods
  5. A pop up window will appear with all the client’s Active and Inactive Care Periods. Select Edit on the Care Period you wish to update
  6. A second window will display for editing
  7. You cannot overlap care period date ranges
  8. Click Save


How do I quickly reassign multiple task for a client to another user?

  1. Go to the Schedule tab
  2. Select Schedule Center
  3. On the left, use the filter or search options to find and select the client
  4. Select Task Manager on schedule menu
  5. A window displays. Select the tasks to reassign
  6. Select Reassign
  7. A pop up window appears providing the ability to select the user to reassign
  8. Select Reassign and the tasks will be assigned to the user


How do I indicate that a user is oriented to a client?

  1. Go to the Schedule tab
  2. Select Schedule Center
  3. On the left, use the filter or search options to find and select the client
  4. Select Matching on the client schedule menu
  5. Select Preferences
  6. Locate the oriented staff in the left column (click and hold)
  7. Drag to the oriented section box
  8. Click on the employee name to indicate they are a favorite staff of the client
  9. The user will now appear at the top of the user list when scheduling services for the client


How do I mark a user as Do Not Send (Non-Compatible)?

  1. Go to the Schedule tab
  2. Select Schedule Center
  3. On the left, use the filter or search options to find and select the client
  4. Select Matching on the client schedule menu
  5. Select Preferences
  6. Locate the staff in either the Employee list or Oriented list (click and hold)
  7. Drag to the Do Not Send section box
  8. The user will now appear at the bottom of the user list (non-selectable) when scheduling services for the client


How do I see all the unassigned (open) shifts for my agency?

  1. Go to the Schedule Tab
  2. Select Unassigned Shifts
  3. As default, the current month of open shifts will be displayed
  4. The page has filtering and sorting options available
  5. With the option to delete, reassign or email to all oriented staff for the client


How do I see my agency schedule?

  1. Go to the Schedule Tab
  2. Select Agency Schedule
  3. The default view is the client schedule for the current day
  4. It may be adjusted to weekly view as well as employee

How can a deleted task or document from an employee be restored?

  1. Go to the Employee Tab
  2. In the sub-menu, select Employee Center
  3. On the right-hand side, you’ll see Quick Link
  4. Select Deleted Tasks/Documents