
CareBridge EVV Integration Update in Wyoming

Axxess Home Care now enables users in Wyoming to send completed EVV visits in Completed-Hold status through the CareBridge EVV integration.

By enabling users to send completed EVV visits in Hold status, this functionality enables users to edit visits prior to CareBridge’s billing.

Enable CareBridge in Company Setup

To submit visits to CareBridge in Completed-Hold status, navigate to the Electronic Visit Verification tab in Company Setup.

Admin tab ➜ Company Setup ➜ Electronic Visit Verification

Under the Provider section, select CareBridge and select Submit visits to CareBridge in Completed-Hold status. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.

Once a claim is generated and submitted in Axxess, the EVV record will be sent to CareBridge in Submitted status with a claim action of N for new. If accepted by CareBridge, the visit will then be reviewed and released for billing in CareBridge.

For additional information on the CareBridge EVV integration, click here.

Updated on 02/14/2024