
Sandata EVV Integration

The Sandata EVV integration is currently available to organizations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Wisconsin. This integration enables Axxess Home Care users to easily accommodate payers that require submission of EVV data to Sandata systems. To enable the Sandata EVV integration, organizations must add Sandata as an EVV provider in Company Setup.

To use the Sandata integration, add Sandata as an EVV provider in Company Setup:

  1. Select Company Setup under the Admin tab.

  2. Navigate to the External Integrations tab using the menu on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click +Add Provider.

  4. Select Sandata from the Provider drop-down menu.

  5. Select applicable Branches, State and Payers.

  6. Enter the Effective Date to begin submission to Sandata.

  7. Enter your Business Entity ID, Business Entity Medicaid Identifier, User ID and Password.
    (This information must be requested from Sandata.)

  8. Click Save.

Once this information is saved in Company Setup, associated visits will automatically be sent to Sandata on completion of EVV.

If there are any errors with a submission, the visit will appear in the EVV Exception Center for correction and resubmission.

For additional information on the EVV Exception Center, click here.